Getting justice

19 0 0

When my mom got home she called the police. They didnt come. So she called again. They finally came and started questioning me. Then I had to go sit I a car with a detective and she explained the next steps.

From there I went to the hospital to get examined and to see if he passed me any diseases. I was clean on diseases. After the hospital we went home and a couple days later I had to go back for a follow up.

I had to go see a lawyer. To help with the case. I had to sit in a room and get interviewed. They recorded the interview. It was like the whole thing was happening all over again. They made me demestrate what he did with dolls .

I had to testify against him . I got justice. It wasn't his first offence so he got 8and a half years. He'll get out when I'm 19 years old.

But this isn't the end......

So be prepared....

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