After eating dinner all of the people sitting in the dining table left! They're all gone. They just left right away. -,- Leaving me alone with all of these dirty dishes to wash!! Dirty dishes piled up with a mix of old and the new ones TT-TT
I really hate lots of visitors though, especially every fiestas. Like, right now, NOW!
Because it's a hassle schedule of my life. Plus, they just eat and don't even wash the dishes, it's really frustrating. But it's okay, at least we helped make them full. And in the first place, that's really all they care about. Food.
"Sandal! Please wash those dishes! I'll prepare the beddings and pillows for our visitors. So they can sleep tonight with a comfy and welcoming sleep." I smiled rawly and nod freezingly.
"Sure aunt Shamie. I can handle...this." I think? -,-?
"Your cousins-- they all went to the party to disco--"
"Shamieeeee!! Let's go!!! Hurry!" I stopped being a frozen and a bitter human. Then stare to the owner of that voice who shouts a while ago--- which is my aunt-in-law, the wife of my uncle. My uncle's treasure. They are all wearing a party attire. And I am just wearing my pajamas and an oversized t-shirt, no worries I wore a short it is just hidden under my pajamas.
"Don't worry about me aunt Shamie, you can go now with aunt Fey." I utters. Then turned my back from them to the dining table, I have to clean this messy table with crumbs scattered around in every corner. tss. Plates are also even more messier here rather than the sink.
My life is so very dull. I don't think I can finish this in a flash or just in an instance, when my eyes are starting to feel shutting down.
After an hour of washing the dirty dishes in a collaboration of the dishes before dinner-- which is the SNACK & LUNCH, like? who knew if they are all thinking that there is a dishwasher! Why can't they used their initiatives?! I am now successfully done! I hope there are no more upcoming dishes.
I am exhausted, sleepy, tired , super worn out---but wait,
"Where would I even sleep?" I questioned myself I open my door and witnessed their forms and places where they were sleeping.
"P-pass! He! ha!"
"Eyy!!" they even sleep talk.
"SISS!!" :')
My cousins are now sleeping peacefully--Knock Out I presume, on top of my bed. Inside my room. Ghad, even I the owner cannot sleep in my own room. Due to my madness my sleepy and gloomy side of myself flew off. It is pretty exhausting.
"Tch." I kicked the wooden door before leaving the room and went outside.
"The sky is pretty inviting..." I mumbled and an idea got into my head.
I ran all up to our store, and went inside.
"A sack." I checked my notepad and I even took a large pouch of junk foods and drinks. "Delicious!" I said and closed the store slowly.
"Should I brought a bag??"
'Maybe I should'
I ran back inside the house straight to my room and grab my bag--- the large one. A big black bag, more like a travel bag but not.
yeah, I don't understand too.
I also put a pillow inside my bag (lighter than my usual pillow inside the bedroom) and my favorite blanket. I won't carry a comforter for my strength's sake. I won't even sleep in a bedroom, so? No need for that. -_-
After I prepare all the necessary things and essentials I will be needing and using for my alone sleep tonight... I should eat some midnight snacks with me. The junk foods I've taken out a minute ago is not enough for me ang my tummy.
I threw my bag inside our grandfather's fishing boat--- It's small.
---yep! yes you are exactly right!
You are pretty smart! You already know what I am thinking!
Yes, I'll be sleeping here--- OUTSIDE the house, yet inside this small boat fishing boat.
I also hid my foods (My other snacks ) and took some for my midnight snacks.
It's so very peaceful... far away from the party lights, noise and people. Far from those people. And it is so cold too. I even brought a jacket (My father's Mercedes Jacket) and a pair of pajamas, jogging pants and socks...and even a cap. NVM, I already said that twice--- All my essential needs.
I got choked.
"Fck" >///< I jump out of the boat and ran towards the kitchen.
'Where's the water?!'
'Imma bout to die--'
(.<<) There's a weljenz. Before I'll be carrying that one gallon of mineral water--- I will drink first, a lot of water to be hydrated.
Actually though... I hate to say this but, I do not have any phone.. I only have MP3! I just love music period. But, right now the sound of the wind and the beam of the lights coming from the stars and the bright moon matters. They sound and looks like a harmonious paradise that is a very rare phenomena to occur.
"Will I travel the world like Magellan did?" I ask out of the blue while staring at vast body of the sky.
'Impossible Idiot!'
"I know." I mumble hushly.. I am being crazy again.. talking to my self with no reason... Just a hobby, I guess??
"Gosh, how many hours have I kept on day dreaming?" I uttered and stretches my arms... "I am indeed on the right mind to sleep now." I pouted and yawn again...
When I feel that my body is really sleepy, I put my trashes inside my bag then took out the blanket and the pillow---- Oh.
"Hi there Mr. Beary." I greeted my teddy bear, I didn't knew that brought him here. At least I am not alone.... I guess?
I lay my back down and hug Mr. Beary--- stargazing ^-^ I hope I can witness some shooting stars - shoot, I mean meteors!
I got awaken by a sudden rock and of the boat--- It feels like, It is moving------ an earthquake? No. Maybe? but still, I am in an open area so? Nothing will fall down straight to me from up there.
I quickly opened my eyes and saw the blue sky along with the sun's rays touching my face. And I sat down hurriedly and my jaw just dropped upon seeing this phenomenon.
This is the extent of my power!!!