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I know, it was unbelievable! Like? How can you even laugh underwater? but so much for that, I'll go back up now. 


When I swam back above...Mrun suddenly woke up when I put the sea soaking wet arrow on top of the boat that makes him get wet--- it was just a little. He's just hayy, I laugh and sprinkled him a little bit of salt water... I pulled the boat away from the sun.... Hahayyyy ...... It is just my instinct... maybe there are sharks here.

It's because, I cleaned the fishes that I have caught there and there's a lot of blood. and it has a 95% of probability that a shark will instantly come here. Because the blood can trigger a nose of a wild animal(s) under the sea or even within the sea----- like, sharks! Yeah.

The fishes are there under the fiery smiles of the hot burning sun, and I'm here, pushing all my might the boat to the most far direction from the part where we were a minute ago.

I climb up and dried my wet clothes now, I put on my shorts without wearing a underwear---- I only have two T--T I cannot waste one. Mrun is playing with the ball he saw under the bamboo sticks =) part of the boat where I slept---- and to where I am about to sleep, tonight. 


Days have already passed....and It is still the same, I feel so--- wasted.....? Mrun is hopelessly ..staring at me----


Our life here is good. I'm singing right now while reading a book, yesterday the fish was roasted by the glaring mad aura of the sun---- it was our dinner. And today, I caught some small fishes. I used a green net, and now I placed them to the flat surfaced metal, where I roast the fish yesterday.

While I am reading, Mrun is listening beside me.5He's so attentive, and I even acted some scenarios that happened inside the book.--- I started to miss home.... where my sisters and our mom are. ;( I cannot help it.

        "Arf!" he licks my forehead and I acted to bite him when he barks again--- or what I specifically call 'barklaugh'.... cute right...? I know!


Days after days.....It's a new feeling but I gotta hold on... survive... and hope... that, I will be okay.... I will be save...I will be home----We will be.

I'm sketching some view... I love the weather for today...cloudy....so? I'm good. Last three days ago, I rowed the boat more closer to the eastern part of the sky----where the sun rises.....mountains.. But, up until now... There are still no visible land, even just one island... I haven't seen any.

Don't tell we are in the Pacific Ocean?!

if that.....


That's crazy! 

Very delusional self! 

Pacific Ocean is freaking dangerous!! It is full of huge waves! When trough and crest are unpredictable, to hit !TT-TT  I'm not even the driver of this boat,  lately.......... I kept on trying to make it work. 

 And somehow my hardships  paid off ------

.......it worked!!! 

Escaping the vast big ocean is my biggest-- our biggets dilemma today, and this is a good news that I know how to start the engine!!! Hoooooh!!! This is lifee!!

        "I'm Drivingggg Itttttt!!!!"


Unfortunately,  it just stopped for about in a middle of the fun travel....... 

It stopped!!!

The engine stopped.

         "Gosh. Did you hit it with your tail Mrun?" I ask him while he's laying down beside to where I was standing as I was driving not long ago.

          "Arf!!" ---_---- Sometimes though, I really don't understand what Mrun is talking about...psh, good for him he understands me -,-

I pulled the orange thick rope that is the rope that was placed around the engine so it could be move.


             "Huh?" I suddenly mumbled and rolled it back around the engine and pull it with force again---with more energy and power.


               "This is freaking exhausting!!!" I exclaimed and threw the rope at the side and I opened the turning cap and used my useful eyes to take a peek inside the tube of the engine's fuel.

             "Oh crap"

We don't  have......... 

Gasoline anymore!!!

It is pretty troublesome though., last night I did not sleep. I kept on staring at the ocean...huhu I can see the clear sky...it feels like I can touch them.....by the peaceful and calm body of ocean.... and the slow blows of the winds.....

I feel so alright---- my pain lessens until morning....I slept even if we are hundred percent stranded in the middle of the ocean! We still have a bit amount of food, Maybs?

And for our afternoon session today... I just sketch. Again. Like? Now, now. Mrun is swimming ... he would just just yelp later when he don't want it anymore. 

I also thought, Mrun learned about hunting because earlier... he caught a flying fish!! XD It' s kinda good! That's what we ate a while ago, and now... I think he still wants to capture more or something.

When the boat worked{By the use of the wooden rows}, we've witnessed pink dolphins jumping and playing. It's a nice sight, :) Mrun kept on barking when he saw those dolphins a while ago. 

I knew that, this life is bound to be changed... This is not the life that I need. I just want to become a jumbo hotdog. 

It's because I'm hoping that I would stay like this all the time. Cloudy sky, featuring with its tranquiliant beauty and landscapes. There are always obstacles and storms.... It's pretty complicated to hope for this afternoon to stay always like this, because on the other side of the world. 

There's a weather right now that's on a hurricane.... It is pretty sad to imagine----- I cannnnnnnot hope for that ><!! Sorry.... Sorry... Sorry-----


The what?!





Good MorNight? <3


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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