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I saw the three dots appear again, meaning the person was typing and Jay nudged me. "Dude, it says this girl's interested in me!"

    I glanced at him for a few seconds and looked back at my phone. "Cool..."

    A message popped up. "In that case, I'm Eleanor." it simply said, surprising me a bit that a random stranger would want to talk to me.

    "Luke. Nice to meet you Eleanor."  I replied, as Jay was freaking out.

    "Dude! She's a bomb! She likes gaming too!" He almost yelled, making me look at him weirdly.

    I saw another message pop up on my phone and my eyes quickly looked over at it. "Nice to meet you too, Luke!"

    I smiled at it and quickly replied. "So, you were expecting a Rebecca?"

    A few seconds later, another text popped up. "Kind of, but hey, I have a Luke, so it's cool." I smirked at my phone and I felt a breathing in the back of my neck, making me press the button to lock my phone.

    "What are you doing?" I quickly asked Jay, making him wiggle his eyebrows. I groaned loudly as he sat back down on his chair, then unlocked my phone to keep texting Eleanor.


    Eleanor and I have been texting for about 2 long hours, but time flew by, since we had a lot in common. It was like talking to my best friend, even though we had just met 2 hours ago.

    "Dude, you should leave your phone alone, it's like 11, you haven't talked to me in so long." I heard Jay say from beside me.

    "Sorry man, this girl is just really interesting." I smiled as my face lit up, a sign I had just recieved a text message.

    "But you've been texting her for so long..." He trailed, thinking of something to say. "You don't even know her!"

    "What about that girl from earlier that was interested in you?! You don't know her either!" I shot back, making him flinch and look down.

    "Yeah..." He softly whispered, making me look back at my phone and answer Eleanor's text. "But..." He tried himself again, being the stubborn asshole he was. "I didn't text..." He paused for a second before speaking again: "Her for like.. 3 hours."

    "2." I corrected him, I wasn't really paying attention to him, but I was listening to what he had to say, even though I knew I had won that argument.

    "Whatever." He groaned at me and laid back in his sleeping bag on the floor. He stared at the ceiling for about thirdy seconds and spoke up again: "You know I could just leave..."

    I raised my eyebrows at him and smirked. "So you would walk 5 miles, in the dark, with your bags and all?"

    "Good point." He stared at the ceiling some more before taking a deep breath. "What's her name?"

    "Why would you even want to know?" I shot back. He did say he wanted me to stop texting her in a way...

    "Because..." He trailed, searching for a reason. "I'm... Searching for something to talk about."

    "Well... It's Eleanor." I quietly replied, I didn't really want him to know who she was, I kind of wanted to have a friend of my own. Selfish, I know.

    "That's a nice name." He said, as I was replying to a text Eleanor sent me.

    "Yeah." I simply replied, in a hurry of finding a new subject to talk about. "So... Uhh... How's the girl from earlier?"

    "She was a guy... so..." He trailed, before bringing his hands to his face in embarrassment.

    "No way! You got catfished!" I laughed, as he grabbed his pillow and threw it at me.

    "No I didn't!" He shot back at me, obviously annoyed.

    "So she was the guy you were facetiming earlier!" I laughed some more, placing his pillow down beside me.

    "Maybe..." His cheeks started turning red out of embarrassment, making a smirk creep up on my lips.

    "Whatever you say." I smiled at him before turning my glance over to my phone, which had just recieved a message from Eleanor.

    "So... I'm guessing your family name's Skywalker?" It said, which made me grin.

    "Maybe." I quickly replied, looking over at Jay, who had turned around and was looking at the wall, his back facing me.

    After a few texts exchanged between Eleanor and I, I heard Jay turn around beside me. "Hey, Luke?" He asked, which made me turn to him with a raised eyebrow. "Can I have my pillow now?"

    I smirked and grabbed the pillow beside me and threw it at him. "Goodnight."

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