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With The Trooper by Iron Maiden playing in my ears, I walked down the street, heading towards the little shop I worked at. It didn't get me enough money to be financially independent, but it gave me enough money to buy little things I wanted when people didn't want to buy it for me, for example; ice cream, clothes, etc. The shop wasn't really close to where I lived nor was it in a city that had a lot of citizens. The weather was pretty cold, but not cold enough to make me shiver in the black hoodie that I had decided to wear.

Every now and then, cars would pass by, lighting up the road a little bit, since most of the city lights had burnt out, I had no choice but to use my phone as a flashlight and lead the way. It was almost 8pm, and really dark outside. Some houses had their porch lights open, helping me guide myself a little more. There was nobody else on the streets, except the small amount of cars that passed by.

After a few more big steps, the light of my phone disappeared, as well as my music and all I could see was darkness. I pressed on the power button and a little image popped up. My phone was dead. "Great." I whispered while I continued blindly making my way around the little town, hoping to get to my workplace in time.

It took me quite a while to get there, but when I did, it was already 8, meaning my shift was starting. When I opened the door, a little bell was heard and the girl that was working before me was grabbing her stuff, getting ready to leave. I joined her behind the counter, took out my charger that was in my pocket and plugged both ends into their respective places. She was about to leave but then seemed to have forgotten something. She slowly turned to look at me and brushed a strand of hair out of her face with her hand. "Luke, Max wanted you to close at 11 today." I gave her a thumbs up with a grin and she smiled back, quickly opening the door, eager to leave. The little bell was heard once again and then the sound of a door hitting against the frame was too, a few moments later.

All that was left to do was wait, for a miracle, probably. Nobody ever came here and this is exactly why I liked it, because nobody ever came here.

As I waited for my phone to charge, I slowly walked through the aisles, already feeling bored out of my mind. But when I'm bored; I sing. So that's what I did, I started singing the first song that came into my mind and started drumming my fingers on anything I could reach. I was singing Backseat Serenade, by All Time Low, when Eleanor popped into my mind. I remembered the last time we texted, we had a conversation about how unicorns were way better than ponies and that thought made a smile creep up on my face.

She was so childish.
But also mature.
She was hilarious.
But very serious.

I shook my head and kept singing the lyrics, a goofy smile spread across my face.

It was not until I heard someone clear their throat that I stopped singing. Terrified and embarrassed, I jogged to the counter to help the customer with his stuff. "You sing great, you should start a band or something." He smiled, grabbing his stuff.

I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment and tried my best to return his smile. "I'll consider it." I paused for a second, feeling an awkward tension between the two of us. When I saw him start heading towards the exit, I waved quickly at him. "Have a good day, sir!" I heard him thank me quietly and the bell was heard once again. I sighed and rolled my eyes at myself. "Idiot." I muttered, running a hand through my hair.

I heard my text tone go off about three times, turning my attention to the phone that was now half charged on the counter.

Elliee- Luke I think there's someone in my house

Elliee- Luke? Please answer me

Elliee- I can hear him moving stuff around

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