The violent hum moving through darkened skies overseeing countless planets with their colonies rumbled from within. A pulsing thrum of bam-bam-bam moves in the beat of its wielders feet. Shick-shcik-click, danced their metal adornments mocking them in flight.
Confusion, terror, and anger encompassed the vehicle of death. Today marked the beginning of the new hoard of slaves, and that meant new toys. Unfortunately, an old friend -loose association- did not agree with the prospect. Her snarls vibrated off the metallic structure as it descended rapidly toward an unknown planet's atmosphere.
Her captors could not reign in the chaos as it clinked and skidded across the surface. The gravitational shift disoriented those battle-weary.
The escapee blearily blinked at the beings swarming her before shooting out of the flightful prison. If anything, she felt anger bubbling in her chest as she weaved through unfamiliar buildings. She wanted the annoying bindings removed immediately. Surely, their metallic fixtures could break through and free her.
The binds didn't break but the object did. Split in the middle its interiors folded against the ground. Sliding forth such as the bowels of the one who last snagged her arm.
She felt fury and panic rise in her at the unfamiliar plus weak planet. One moment, she was back home with her gnorfka and the next she was restrained as if she was some kind of monster.
"Yo, Alien girl," an annoyed voice resounded from afar.
She turned to catch a glimpse of a green blob making contact with her being. Her body was flung into unsturdy landings as she flung her arms in its direction. A calling of war echoed in the now deserted area. It grabbed the bars of her chest with a threat of release.
This collision forced her into an ebbing anger at the disruption. There was no intrigue in battling this frail creature as she watched it shift into a boy shaking his wrist in pain. Could he not tell she was trying to breakfree of her binds? Did he wish to entrap her such as her prisoners? Her eyes burned with the thought of recapture.
"Hey, can you try not destroying our city?" The green being huffed, landing beside a being with strange metallic intricacies.
"Could say the same to you," came a drawl.
She watched as a fluttering cape obscured her vision before she was encased with black powers. They were trying to imprison her again.
"Uh, Raven, I don't think imprisoning the girl is helping," the metallic man shouted.
With a cock of the head she narrowed her eyes in confusion. She did not understand these strange stretched lipped beings. Her line of vision settled on a newcomer dropping into the middle. His dressings were strange and unlike the others, she could not see his eyes. Disrespectful. Still, this observation would not deter her, and she straightened up.
"Stand down," the newcomer called, "we don't want to fight you. We want to help you but if you keep destroying our city then we'll have no choice."
The color returned.
He raised some form of weapon and she understood. This being was unpowered and rutha. He would be the easiest target to hone in on for a language transfer. A snarl rose in her throat as she flew towards them. Extra strength, heavy cuffs, and quick flight put her at an advantage. The being, however, dodged all her perceived attacks. It annoyed her.
"Any ideas, Robin?"
She swung her bindings towards him and he raised his arms in surrender.
"How about I free you from those"-he motioned to the bindings.

Collision Course
Fiksi PenggemarTeen Titans reimagined. The Titans have been in operation for a little over a year. Things have been smooth sailing to the best of it until an Alien Princess crashes into their city. Suddenly, it looks like time doesn't always stand still. Sometimes...