Info about Ava/Power stats in general

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Symbiote (Named Mania)

Cloak of levitation - She usually uses it for floating and moving around. Even sometimes walking upside down when she needs too.

Knows Mystic arts (When she cant use her symbiotie). As it be used when she needs too

She is jewish but she jewish reformed. So she one to not eat alot she follows almost like a Buddhist but she tend to eat one meal a day.

She is Autistic how she differs is she has no emotions but she shows emotions on a rare basis. (Smiling sometimes or easily to get uncomfortable or stressed).

This was a previous incident but her symbiote was once not on her and someone injured her that her body shakes in general due to the pain she received that certain day

Supposedly due to the cloning her hair was white it undetermined or unconfirmed what causes this maybe sun deficiency or something but she doesn't know. So mostly remains that color

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21 ⏰

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