I tried to kill you

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I know someone already did this but I wanted to take my own spin at this

(Takes place after the ultimate Kevin arc and before season 3)

Ben and Kevin were at Mr. Smoothies. While Kevin just ordered a normal smoothie, Ben ordered a lamb and sardine. Yeah, Ben Tennyson had some strange taste. As Kevin drank his smoothie, Ben hadn't even tasted his, which was unusual. Kevin noted that usually, Ben would be down on his fourth smoothie by now and ready to buy more smoothies with atrocious flavors that would make Max Tennyson's food normal.

"So you lost your appetite and finally decided to get something a bit less gross?" Kevin asked his best friend. Ben was confused; he snapped out of his thoughts and returned to the real world. He looked at Kevin and gave him a strange look before sighing and glancing at his smoothie.

"You're right about me losing my appetite, but not even on the day I die will you make me hate the lamb and sardine flavor. It's kind of genius, and most importantly, it helps this hero think," Ben said. However, after he defended his smoothie, he seemed to return to his funk. Caught up in his own little world, he was lost in thought, and unfortunately, it seemed he couldn't stop thinking about—

"One more should do it"

He could remember going Ultimate Echo Echo and besting Kevin in his new amalgam form. He had access to over 20 aliens, wielding powers that transformed him into a monster once again. It felt like absolute power was corrupting him, just as it had when he was Eleven. He thought it was his destiny to end Kevin, and he was determined to do it. If it hadn't been for Gwen, he would have buried Kevin instead of having smoothies with him. He could have killed his best friend. The worst part is that if he were put in that situation again, he might go for the kill. What kind of hero is that—someone who is ready to murder his own friend?

"Hey, Tennyson!" Kevin called out, breaking through Ben's thoughts once more.

"Sorry," Ben said, a little more quietly. His mind was so focused on...

"Yeah I lied"

He remembered pushing Gwen out of the way, telling himself that he was trying to protect her by taking down Kevin, even though he expected Gwen to hate him for all eternity.

"I never said thank you," Kevin said.

Ben almost wanted to scream "Thank you for almost killing you"

"you stopped me from almost killing Gwen" Kevin admitted, it's why he left with Ben so suddenly he could barely look into her eyes, how can words even describe how sorry he was for his former actions, he drained the plumber kid's abilities except for cooper but he would've eventually and he wondered considering Gwen's potential would he have stooped draining her until she dropped dead.

"You don't understand," Ben said, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Then make me understand," Kevin said.

"I could've killed you and I would've if it weren't for Gwen I would have no problem leaving you in the morgue, I'm supposed to be the hero I'm supposed to save everybody I should've saved you," Ben said tears were streaming down his face as all the walls he built to hide his pain were down.

"Ben, sometimes you can't save everyone, especially the people you care about. I was out of control, and I would rather die being remembered as someone who tried to atone for his sins than as a monster," Kevin said. "Now, why don't we go help Gwen explain everything to her neighbors?"

"Hey, I just know she's going to love the grasshopper smoothie!" Ben said with a friendly smile, trying to keep the mood positive.

Kevin snorted, "only you would like something like that"

I felt bored and felt like it was time to post something I'll be working on a few more Ben 10 fics

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