Chapter Eleven

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"That is the worst plan I have ever heard of," Fawn exclaimed, "Tell her it's an awful plan."

"It is a pretty bad plan," Tristan added.

We were in Jayden's car and on our way to school. I wasn't planning on telling them about the Amazon but Bree brought it up at breakfast and now Fawn's fighting me about it.

"It's not a pretty bad plan; it's a terrible plan, have you even thought this through?" Jayden piped up.

"No, I haven't, it was my first idea, I've only had an hour to think of something," I retorted.

"Then think of some more ideas!" Fawn exploded. "Everyone knows that you never go with your first idea, they're always the worst, and they never work."

"I don't have time to come up with something else, we're almost at school and if I'm right, she'll be there too, waiting on me. It's my only plan and I'll make it work, can we drop this now?"

"No, we can't drop this, your plan is insane and it isn't going to work, it's only going to bring the enemy closer to the prize." Jayden burst out.

"He's got a point, she'll be able to kill you easier," Tristan agreed.

"Look, I get that you care if I die or not but if this prophecy thing is right, I'll most likely die anyway. This is my plan, I want her close to me, if we do actually become friends, great, if not, whatever. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer."

Jayden gave an exasperated sigh. "Fine, become fake friends with the assassin, but don't expect me to drive her anywhere."

"I wasn't asking you to, and thank you." I said.

"I still think it's an awful plan but if I can't stop you..." Fawn piped up.

"You can't."

"Then I guess I'll go along with it, but I still don't agree."

The car came to halt as Jayden parked it at the school gates. We climbed out of the car and got our bags out from the car boot before heading into class. I was about to walk with Fawn when Jayden grabbed my arm and pulled me back a couple of steps. I looked up at him confused before the memory of last night popped into my head. How could I forget? I looked at his nervous posture and had to fight a smile.

"Um... about last night..." he trailed off, not knowing what to say.

"Look, its fine, your secret is safe with me." I smiled and he nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

"Thanks, but that's not it, see, there was someone else there and they um... told everyone about you."


"Well um... my pack wants to meet you."

"I'd love to!"

"I understand if you don't want to, I mean why would you? I can come up with an excuse for you if you want. Wait what?"

"I'd love to meet your pack, as wolfs or humans, I want to meet them."

"Really, you want to meet the pack?" he said amazed. I nodded excitedly before taking his hand.

"I really want to meet them; it would be a nice way to get to know each other." I said gazing into his intoxicating eyes. He grinned and looked at my lips while licking his. That was the last thing I saw.

I was sitting on top of Jayden's car boot, my legs wrapped tightly around his waist, my hands roaming his forearms and chest. He pressed closer to me, his hands in my hair, on my face, my waist, my stomach. Our lips locked, our tongues entwined, our passion growing, getting hungrier with each touch.

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