Chapter Thirty

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I raced through my happiest memories from Earth, going a little slower with the ones concerning Jayden, to the ones with Storm and Thunder and few with Lightning as we grew up together, to ones of my old relationships with my father and Leanna until I reached my ultimate favourite memory.

The young me curled up in frightened ball must have been only two or three years old as she wept. She was lost and hurt and abandoned by her two big sisters.

"Whatever is the matter little girl?" a tender voice asked her.

"I'm lost and scared, I don't know where my daddy is?" I cried not being able to see who the voice belonged to.

"Why are you scared?"

"I don't like the dark."

"Then light up the sky."

"Only the sun can light up the sky."

"Not in this land, you can change how the word looks with a thought of your mind. You can make it a mighty kingdom that only you can see. It's your own little world for just yourself so that if you get lonely or sad or scared, you can fix the world to make you happy again. Go on try it, tell the sky to lighten up."

The young me sniffed before looking up at dark sky and whimpered out a wish for light. As I watched, the sky twitched and turned into a pale summer blue colour and as I turned around I saw a beautiful, tall and skinny young girl with long wavy blonde hair that stretched past her hips and small curious hazel eyes peering down at me.

"There you go, now let's go find your daddy and while we do that you can change your home into the prettiest place ever created," the girl said as she took my hand and walked me back to the big fire pits.

There was a blast of heat and a blaze of orange glow and then I was scooped up into a man's arms. "Thank you Oceane for finding my daughter," my father said to the girl. I cuddled into him, my face full of wonder and excitement as he stood up straight and released his huge black feathered wings from in between his shoulder-blades and glided away into the night, his arms tight around my tiny body. I looked over his shoulder and waved goodbye to my new friend Oceane.

As the memories flew past my heart filled up with all the emotions sealed in each of them and I felt my magic start to fight back and consume Eve's. The more my magic fought, the more the tightness around my throat loosened and I gulped in all the air I need to rise to me feet. I opened my eyes to find myself surrounded by a dome of my magic protecting me from the darkness swirling around it, trying to break through. 

I could barely see Eve through it but I knew that she could see me and was waiting for me to strike. I took a few more deep breaths to calm my nerves and to keep myself steady before I burst the dome above my head and commanded my magic to destroy and get rid of the encircling blackness. Once that was done and only my light magic remained whirling around my feet I took a step towards my mother and spoke.

"Tell me why. Why do you want my magic? Because I somehow took it from you? Is it because you fear that I could take over your crown and become the queen of darkness? Is it because you want more power even though you don't need it? Or is it because you don't want to stay here anymore? Did you come up this big elaborate plan so that your pathetic life can end?"

"My life is not pathetic!" Eve bellowed back. "And I most certainly do not want my life to end! I want your power so that I can rule over different worlds, not just this wretched earth where only a small fraction of you have any form of power! I want more magic so that I can create more of my beautiful children; vampires and werewolves and all the rest. I want my magic so that there is no other trace of me around."

"I didn't hear you deny the part where you fear that I could overpower you and become the Dark Master. But guess what, I don't want it, I was happy in Hell, and I'm even happier up here. You had absolutely no reason to worry. All of this was wasteful and now you're going to pay for it. With your darkness I raise you my lightness!" I paused to try and remember the spell that my father wrote in the book he gave me. "Magic of my blood, I summon thee; our time has come to become one!"

As soon as the words left my mouth, my skin started to tingle as my magic in my body pulled at the rest of my magic to join it. Within seconds I was covered head to toe with Goosebumps as magic flooded into my blood. Wind whooshed around me pushing and pulling at my hair, face and arms. The noise of the battle slowly decreased until all I heard was the wind.

My breathing became faster and more difficult as the magic overpowered me and I was brought to my knees. I kept my head high and flung my arms out to my side to welcome in the magic even though it felt like being repeatedly punched in the stomach. A smile grew on my face, not because I was beating my mother but because I was finally the real me. I had my all my magic coursing through my veins for once in the life and it felt... magical.

I opened my eyes with little difficulty to see that I was in the middle of my own twister and I looked up to the beautiful clear night sky above me. As the stars twinkled and danced I embraced the feeling of pure joy and rose to my feet effortlessly.

Reluctantly I stretched my arms out in front of me until my fingers grazed the fast whirling twister and sucked up the wind causing my body to jolt as the wind disappeared. Slowly my arms returned to my sides and I flexed my fingers in pleasure.

"How - you should be dead!" Eve exclaimed in wonder. "You shouldn't be able to hold that much magic!"

"Guess I'm just full of surprises!" I replied as I stalked closer to her. "Did you honestly think that I – daughter of the Mistress of Darkness and the Devil himself – wouldn't be able to handle the magic that I was born with?"

"Well, yes."

"You know, you should really read the first few chapters, or at least the summary, before you judge a book, mother," I said as I stopped to stand a mere meter away from Eve. She flinched and took a step away from me as I reached out a hand to stroke her face. "Any last words, deary?" She shook her head as she carefully watched my hand that was still in mid-air inches from her face.

"Very well," I responded with a smile. Without even a command light magic rippled out of hand and enveloped Eve. Her screams grew silent as the magic wrapped her into a large ball and floated into the air. Once the ball became a tiny bright light above us it started to twinkle like the stars. Suddenly there was a booming bang and the ball containing my mother exploded into thousands of multi-coloured fireworks and everything and everyone went perfectly still.

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