chapter 1

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Echos of the screams are all around with the sounds of gunfire. The smoke is making it hard for me to breathe as I fall to my knees coughing and sobbing. I looked around and I saw people running through the smoke and over the bodies back to the lanes—the bodies. Looking down I see my parents among the rest of the fallen. Their eyes open staring at nothing. It becomes hard to hold back my sobs as I look scared and confused for once not knowing what to do. There was no invention no equations to fix this to make the hurting stop.

"You all right there, kid? " I turn around at the sound of the voice. An intimidating man is behind me. He kneels on one knee to get a better look at me.

I know who this man is. It's not that hard to figure out. Vander the man who runs the lanes my parents always talk highly of him, or I guess talked.

"Are they... were they your parent's kid?" he asked nodding to the two lying behind me. I can't speak and I can't even nod my head feels too heavy for that. I just turn my attention to the ground it's all too much for me at the moment. I can't even tell if all this caused my head to empty or if it's running so fast that I can't even keep up with my own mind as it runs so fast. All I do know is it's causing my head to hurt.

He nods his head in understanding and gives out a sigh. "All alright kid come on let's get you outta here." he starts to call over another name but it's hard to hear with the ringing that going on in my ears.

"- nice to meet you, kid."

I turn to the new voice too quickly which makes me slightly dizzy "What did you say"

"Names Benzo, what's yours" this new man says to me with a smile and offers his hand. As he helps me up with everything going on I don't know why but all I can focus on is his sideburns- Damn those are some bushy sideburns. "Y/N." I was surprised I could even say that I thought my crying took away my voice.

As we start to walk back towards the lanes threw the smokes, and past everyone else who won't be making the trip home, I look ahead to see Vander carrying two other girls off the bridge ahead of the two of us. All I can see are the top of their heads one has blue hair and the other with pink.

"All alright kid." that got my attention as I looked up at Benzo "I know it's not much kid but if you want, I got an extra room, and you can stay with me if you like. I also gotta another kid I think you two would get along if you like."

"ok..." was all I could say I was too tired to think I was surprised I was still standing but maybe not. Because I don't remember getting back to the lanes.

The genius inventor in the underground (Arcane x reader)Where stories live. Discover now