seven o'clock: heigh ho

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seven o'clock: heigh ho

I couldn't not include Snow White, but finding a well in this town that wasn't on private property was nearly impossible. I had no problem breaking the law every once in a while, but Donovan was scared in his boxer-briefs after what happened at the community pool. The problem with the well was that no one, let alone cute boys, frequented them.

It typically took two days to brainstorm—and I usually had somewhat of a plan halfway through the first brainstorming session—but this movie had me stumped. I didn't know of anyone that had seven guys just living in their household, so that was out. "Got anything?" I yawned, flipping through my pages of notes. We had watched Snow White at least three times in hopes that each viewing would inspire something other than Donovan's growing hostility.

"Actually, yeah. It's a little out there, though."

"Don't keep me on edge. Spit it out."

"I don't know how you're going to feel about it...I don't know if it's safe."

"I don't have all day, Donovan."

"Okay, well, first we start out with you just cooking and cleaning—because that's what Snow White does. Then, since apples play such a pivotal role in the movie, we could go to an apple orchard. After that, you take some sleeping pills and climb into a glass case for all the world to see, and hopefully your Prince Charming will wake you up."

"That's not a bad plan. You're getting better at this. I'm proud."

"Cool. Now go make me a couple dozen pies, and my bathroom could use some cleaning."

"One gooseberry pie coming up!"

Donovan froze. "Gooseberry? I was hoping for pumpkin or apple."

"But Snow White didn't make those. She made gooseberry."

"What are gooseberries?"

"I have no idea, but I'm sure the grocery store will have them. Will you go get them?"

"You know, I was just going to put on a black cape and call myself the Evil Queen. She is very important to the story."

"You make a good point...Okay. I'll get the berries. In the meantime, put some makeup on. Does your mom have any you can use?"

"Sure, sure. I'll get right on that," he said, putting his feet up on the coffee table.

After going to multiple stores to find the exotic gooseberries, I came back with all of the supplies needed to make gooseberry pies. I thought I'd make five—one for Donovan and I, one for my family, one for Donovan's family, one for my prince's family, and one for all of the suitors that would kiss me later.

Donovan was still in the same position as before, only an empty plate on the coffee table and poorly applied makeup on his face. "Your makeup is terrible," I said.

"Sorry. I'm a guy."

"Want to help me make the pies?"

"You know I'd love to, Coralie, but I don't want to ruin your Snow White experience. I think it'd be better if you made them yourself."

As exhausting and daunting as it sounded making five pies from scratch alone, I had to keep reminding myself that it would all be worthwhile by the end of the day. And it was Donovan's first plan, so I didn't want to make him feel inadequate by tweaking it.

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