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Summer Preston


"You promised me!" I cried, tears streaming down my face.

"I know, but I couldn't—"

"You couldn't refuse the offer? Yeah, I've heard that before." My voice cracked as anger boiled over. "I'm so done with your shit, Solené! You string me along, making promises you know you'll never keep."

She rolled her eyes, her indifference stinging more than her words. "I think you're overreacting."

I scoffed, the annoyance thick in my voice. "Overreacting? Are you serious right now?"

"You're making this such a huge deal," she said, crossing her arms. "I never said we were ending our relationship. We'll just have to do long-distance. I couldn't refuse this kind of offer—it's the best modeling agency in the world."

"You didn't even ask how I'd feel about you moving away," I whispered, my voice small.

I felt weak. Pathetic.

I had given her so many chances. I'd bent over backward, reshaping my life to fit hers. My friends had warned me she wasn't good for me, but I defended her, only to be left heartbroken in the end.

She glanced at her watch. "I didn't think I had to discuss my career with you."

"We're girlfriends, Solené. Why wouldn't you?"

"Listen, Summer, I have to go. We can finish this conversation later—"

"There's no need," I interrupted. "We're done."

Her jaw dropped. "You're not serious," she said, stepping closer to me.

I held my ground. "I've never been more serious. Pack your shit and get out of my penthouse."

"Baby, let's just talk this out—"

"Solené," I said firmly, my voice breaking, "just go. Please."

She stared at me for a moment before turning and walking toward the elevator. "You'll regret this," she said over her shoulder.

I laughed bitterly, tears burning in my eyes. "Says the selfish one. Yeah, I'm sure I will."

The elevator doors closed behind her, and the dam broke. Sobs wracked my body as a thousand thoughts filled my mind. Was I not enough? Did I care too much?

I reached for my phone, hands trembling, and dialed Nolan and Adrianna, my best-friends.

The call barely rang twice before Nolan's excited voice answered. "Summie, I missed you!"

"Summer! I can't believe you bailed on Chilis night! I wanted a Triple Dipper!" Adrianna added with mock indignation.

"Can you guys come over?" I asked through sniffles, my voice shaky.

"We're on our way," they said in unison, their tone instantly serious.

"Thanks," I whispered before hanging up.

I placed my phone on the table and wandered into the kitchen, grabbing a wine glass from the cabinet. After rinsing it out, I poured myself a generous amount.

I drained it in seconds and poured another.

At least wine wouldn't break my heart.

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