Invisible (swag Raph & Mikey X abused!reader

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(a/n): Hello my sweet mini-honey bunches! Please listen to the song, it's a favorite of mine and this one shot is based on it.  I hope you enjoy ^_^! By the way your a mutant but only have the ears and tail. And this is an au where your in highschool for mutants and humans...

Summer break was now over... And today was the first day of school. Last year you were one of the schools happy-go-lucky kind of girls, nothing ever brought you down. You were friends with everyone, your childhood friends were the popular Raph and Mikey Hamato. Everything was great!

That all changed when you found out that your mum died in a hit and run. Your dad started drinking and beating you, along with a lot of verbal abuse. You knew he blamed you for it. To be honest, even you blamed your self.

Mikey and Raph were on vacation in Japan with their other brothers and father, so they had no clue what was going on with you. So you had no-one to talk to, so you changed... 

I take these pills, to make me thin...

You got out of bed with your (f/a) tail, swishing behind you and stood up to take your weight loss pills your dad said to take since he thought you were getting big and if you didn't lose weight he would kick your fat ass out on the street.

I dye my hair, and cut my skin...

You put your dyed black and (f/c) hair into a messy bun, and went to your bathroom to get ready. You started by putting on you black skinny jeans and your bandages before you put on your baggy (f/c) sweater and fuzzy black boots.

I tried everything, to make them see me.... But all they see,  is someone that's not me...

You put on some makeup to hide the bruises your body and face is covered in. Then you pulled your hair out of its messy bun of course  minding your (f/a) ears, and brushed it were it was in front of your eyes so no-one could see the nasty black eye your dad gave you from last nights beating and walked into your room to grab your school stuff.

Even when I'm walking on a wire, even when I set myself on fire...  Why do I always feel invisible~ invisible ~
Everyday I try to look my best,
Even though inside I'm such a mess,
Why do I always feel invisible~ invisible ~

You walked passed your drunk dad who was lying on the couch watching football on TV. He looks at you and sneers.  "Where do you think your going you stupid brat?! "

"I-im going t-to school d-dad..." you spoke softly.

"Stop mumbling! And you better get your ass right back here when schools over,  you hear me bitch!" He yelled as he grabbed your wrist harshly. You winced.

"Y-y-yes d-daddy! I-i understand!"

"You better! Or Im gonna double tonight's beating! Now leave my site and get your fat ass out of this house! "

You quickly nodded not bothering to object, you learned pretty fast that it wouldn't end very nicely. And bolted out the door and started walking to school.

(time skip~ at school)

Here inside my quite hell, you cannot hear my cries for help, I try everything to make them see me, but everyone sees what I can't be...

You walk into the big building of hell called highschool and head to your locker slowly. You can feel people staring and whispering about you as you walk past them, your (f/a) tail following behind you and your (f/a) ears slightly drooping down, trying to block out the mean things the teens are saying about you. 

"do you see what she's wearing? "

"isn't that (y/n)? I heard she slept with the whole football team last year and that's what she was so happy all the time? "

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