"This seat taken?" - Flevenz

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This was quickly finished (so sorry for any mistakes) and went on for longer than I intended but I thought I hadn't written in a while so why not wait until the day before you go on holiday to finish something, enjoy never the less.


The train station was as busy as any other day with thousands of people with backpacks and briefcases stepping on and off of trains every minute, just the sight made Will exhausted but never the less he climbed aboard his train that was leaving London and heading to Leeds. Putting his large-ish suitcase it the appropriate storage at the entrance of his carriage, he began to stroll down the carriage towards his seat but found it taken up by a backpack, he assumed it belonged to the man in the seat over.

On closer inspection, Will realised that he vaguely recognised the man from his dark hair swept over and covering most of his face. "This seat taken?" Will spoke in a sarcastic tone to get the others attention which worked as the man took out his headphones and looked at the blond, his mouth opened in an attempt to respond but the words soon died and he stuttered the other's name.

"Nice to see you too William" Fluke spoke cheerfully, topped with a cheeky smile, as he moved the others backpack and put it onto the overhead compartment along with his own. "I didn't think we'd catch the same train together never mind get seats next to each other" William laughed as the blond sat himself down, fairly gracefully he noted to himself shamelessly, "I know right, weird" Will replied somewhat awkwardly as he noticed he'd be sitting for around 2 and a half hours next to his friend and admittedly his crush (that made him sound so much like a twelve year old girl).

However, conversation quickly started up about the journey, the destination and their friends but it wasn't long until it died down to a calm and comfortable silence. The silence was held for little time as the doors of the carriage opened again and more passengers boarded, including an old couple, Will assumed, then came and sat across the table from them; they seemed polite as the smiled at the two of them which they returned.

"So dears, where are you two heading?" the woman asked, as her husband put their hand luggage above them, "if you don't mind me asking" he added hastily as they didn't instantly reply. This made Will smile and reply simply with 'Leeds' and asked her the same question, "oh, we're heading up to Newark, quite lovely, no?" she commented sweetly. "Oh, yes, definitely it's a nice place, I'd love to go some day too" Will returned, politely making conversation.

"Yes, yes, it is a lovely place, we're actually heading to see family" she exclaimed happily "aren't we Harry?" she addressed her husband. "Huh? Yes Jean dear" he spoke almost dismissively but still wore a smile while looking down at his phone to which Jean just tutted at; "what are they like?" as she spoke she held out both her hands one gesturing to her husband but the other towards William, who had also resorted to his phone, Will gave a quiet laugh and agreed, saying they were useless. "Yes useless but I wouldn't trade him in for anything in the world, right" Jean spoke with so much fondness that her husband actually looked up to smile at her this time.

Harry simply hummed replying with "well I don't know what I'd do without you" then going back to his phone which she let him with no complaint; "you'd probably be dead knowing you" she joked which made Will laugh and even William smiled, "if he had it his way we wouldn't have met, let alone dated and married!" she exclaimed jokingly to the two of them. "So," she started, looking fairly suspiciously between them, "are you two going to get married one day? Because I don't see a ring on that finger dear" Jean questioned, gesturing to Will's hand perched on the table.

They were taken aback by her words, but when they thought about it they were sitting unusually close together, William leaning against the blond, too close to be 'just friends'. "Oh, no we're not together" Will cleared up but both made to effort to move apart though, however, an awkward silence filled the air as Jean looked from between them and her husband.

Jean looked over Harry's shoulder to clarify the image on his iPhone screen, it revealed a game of some type that she couldn't quite name. Jean turned her head towards Will who had begun reading a book, "I can't understand his attraction to these games he plays on that phone" Jean said trying to revive the conversation.

Will smiled and looked over at William who was cradling his phone whilst playing angry birds his hair slightly hid the expressions of elation on his face when he completed a level. "I play games a lot; I guess it's just general appreciation of the game and the fans of the game that draws me in" Will elaborated slightly.

Curious, Jean asked "Are you one of them youtube people? You know the kind who play video games on the Internet?" She used her hand to speak a lot, conveying that she was unsure, Will simply smiled and nodded, he gestured towards William and said "we both are, we sometimes play games together and with our friends that do the same as us." Jean looked mildly interested as she said "my grandson watches youtubers play allsorts, he's always going on about minecraft this and call of duty that."

This made will chuckle slightly and nod "Yeah we play minecraft together quite a bit don't we William" he said in an attempt to include his friend into the conversation at hand, to which William nodded and said "yep we do quite a lot of things together." Will smiled at the participation from his friend only to blush moments after. Jean nodded and smiled "you two are adorable" she gushed aloud, causing Will's blush to deepen and William ducked his head to go back to his game.

"Dear this is our stop" Harry stated as he pushed his phone into his trouser pocket; "really we're at Newark already, my time flies when you're having fun" she spoke surprised but smiled kindly at the two. As her husband was getting their luggage from over their heads she leaned slightly over the table, touching Will's wrist in a friendly manner, "well it was lovely talking you you..." she trailed off as she realised she didn't know their names. "Oh, I'm Will and this is William" Will quickly cleared up; "well it's been lovely having you two in our company but we must go now you know places to see people to go to" she joked as the train stopped and they both left waving as they did so and also as the train left the station from the platform.

"She was lovely, bless her" Will shared but was cut off by William "she called us adorable and thought we we're going to get married" he spoke fairly sharply but also jokingly as he looked up at the blond who look down slightly at him, this action caused the two to be closer than they were before. "Well, you are adorable" Will confessed although it seemed slightly sarcastic William blushed never the less, neither of them moved, though William's eyes darted back and forth between Will's eyes and lips.

Will didn't realise how easy and fulfilling it would be to firmly place his lips of the shorter lads lips until now; it took him an unbearably long time to grab the side of William's face and connect their lips. They were both as equally breathless and speechless as they parted slowly, suddenly realising how public their display of affection was they moved ever so slightly apart but connecting hands in the process. They sat there smiling to themselves while the only thoughts in Will's mind were 'I wish I could tell Jean now' but also 'shit, what are we going to tell the guys!'

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