"I'm scared. Can I sleep with you?" ~ Rollow

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The wind howled as it lashed at the window of the flat as Aaron readied himself for sleep; it was about half past twelve, Josh and Aaron had just finished streaming about half an hour ago. The rain had slowly began to attack the roof and windows of their flat complex, Aaron checked his emails and twitter on his phone in case he missed anything whilst he was streaming. As he did this his eyes darted from his phone to his window seeing cars and people move frantically to get away from the devastating rain and the upcoming storm.

After about half an hour, thunderous claps of lightning lit the room for a few seconds causing him to jump and loud rumbles of thunder echoed making him shiver further into his covers. He nervously looked around the dark room, almost sensing as if someone was in there with him; thunder clapped again and lightning swiftly followed revealing for a split second a human shaped figure in his doorway, that he hadn't notice had opened.

He yelped with sudden fear and shuffled slightly as the figure appeared to look down and wander aimlessly towards the side of his bed which was unoccupied, after closing the door behind them, enclosing the room in darkness yet again. He could barely see the figure look up towards him, "Aaron?" hearing the familiar voice calmed him slightly but also worried him as the other sounded terrified. "I'm scared." Josh whimpered nervously "Can I sleep with you?" Aaron proceeded to nod but also croaked out a yes into the darkness in case his friend hasn't seen.

Aaron shuffled even further over, to make room for his friend, and lifted the covers. This wasn't exactly an uncommon occurrence between the two of them on stormy nights but they never spoke of what happened when the nights ended as they went back to normal but there was still an unshakable feeling remaining between them.

The blue haired man sighed lightly as Josh made himself comfortable next to him, slightly facing towards him; "'m sorry" the shorter mumbled shifting again to push his face further into the pillow and closing his eyes. "It's okay," Aaron responded turning further onto his side to face the other "honestly I'd rather have you here than freaking out in the other room" he admitted sheepishly, blushing. "Really?" the brunet almost gasped, slowly opening his eyes and being inches away from his best friend.

Time seemed to freeze but their hearts sped up, feeling as if every nerve in their bodies had been set alight. "Y-yeah, really" Aaron whispered, feeling it would be unnecessary to speak any louder; after moments of consideration, an apology escaped the taller males mouth before it was pressed quickly yet softly against his friend's. Eyes squeezed shut in fear quickly opened slightly as the kiss was reciprocated; rain continuously battered the windows as the storm became nothing but background noise. Aaron ran his right hand up Josh's side, grasping at the material of his t-shirt, whilst Josh placed his left hand on the taller's chest but his right pushed firmly against the bed's mattress, lifting himself up slightly and deepening the kiss.

As they pulled apart minutes later, the sheets were tangled around them and Josh now lay almost completely flush against Aaron; a flash of lightning outside casted a faint white glow through the room momentarily, allowing them to perfectly see what they could do to each other and how they both could have done this long ago.

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