Harry Imagine

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(5th year)

Your pov

I walk through the halls of Hogwarts. I clutch 'Quidditch Through The Ages' to my chest. I met up with my best friend, Luna Lovegood. I met her in third year. I was on my way to herbology with Gryffindor. On the way, I run into Malfoy. I hated him as much as Ron hated spiders. Possibly more. We finally reach the greenhouse and walk in. Once we enter, all eyes are on us. Harry Potter, my crush, was staring at me, his green eyes glazed over, in another world. I focus on what Professor Sprout is saying. I chewed on my bottom lip in concentration. All throughout the lesson, I felt Harry's eyes burning holes in my skull. The bell dings and I quickly gather my things. I hurry out the room. Later, I head to the RoR for the Patronus charm. I grab my wand, walking with Luna, a fellow Ravenclaw. We walk in, the door disappearing behind us. Harry stood there with everyone else. "The key to a Patronus charm is to think of the happiest memory," Harry instructed. His green eyes sparkled with enthusiasm, making him look adorable. I shut my eyes, thinking of a happy memory. "Expecto Patronum!" I said, thinking of when I found out I was a witch. Harry walks over. He positions my arm and his hot breath hits my neck, causing goosebumps. His hand was on the small of my back. I shiver at his touch. "Think of the happiest memory," Harry whispers. Cho Chang glares at me, but I shrug her off. "Expecto Patronum," I repeat, an otter shooting out the end of my wand. I giggle as it moves around me, squeaking. Harry walks off to help other people. Finally, we have to leave. I'm walking out, only to get yanked into a broom cupboard. "Lumos," I whisper to my wand, making the tip ignite in a dim blue light. I look to see Harry. His eyes were darkened with lust. "Look, y/n. I have to tell you something," he mumbles. I look into his eyes. "What is it?" I ask shyly. "I love you, I always have," he says. I then feel warm lips covering mine. It took me a moment to realize the pair of lips belong to Harry. Our lips molded together like puzzle pieces. I tangle my fingers in his soft, black hair. I tug on it, causing him to moan. He licks my bottom lip, asking for an entrance. I open my mouth slightly. His tongue brushes mine. He pulls away, our foreheads touching. "I love you too, Harry. Umbridge would kill us for us being this close." He just shrugged. "That toad face can get over it," Harry whispers. "Toad face?" I ask with a laugh. "Yeah, or Umbitch." I laugh again. "Clever," I said. "Just one question," Harry said. "And what is the question?" "Will you be my girlfriend?" I bit my lip. "Why me, Harry?" "What do you mean?" He asked. "Out of all girls, you like me," I said. "How can I not? Your beautiful, funny, smart, kind, and I love you for that," Harry said sincerely. I blush. I avoid his gaze. He makes me look at him. "Also, you truly love me. Not for being a name. I can see it in your eyes." How did he know? Suddenly, the door opens to reveal Umbitch. "Detention in my office," She snaps. "Oh, and Harry? I'll be your girlfriend." Harry kisses me, causing Umbridge to pull us apart. I just smirk. She huffs. "Don't be late for detention!" She hissed, stalking off. Harry kissed me again. "See you at detention," he said with a playful wink. I giggled and met up with Luna, walking back to our common room.

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