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( rebekah and marcel are driving to the compound to have a meeting with klaus).

Rebekah: marcel pull over.

Marcel: why?

Rebekah: because i think i see a woman beating two young children.

Marcel: ok. ( pulls over to the three, gets out of the car)

Rebekah: ( gets out of the car ) why the bloody hell are you hitting these two children?

Woman: who the hell are you ( says very drunk)? and I'm there mother i can do what ever the hell I want to.

Rebekah: I'm Rebekah Mikaelson you see if these two weren't watching at the moment i would rip out your heart but since i don't want to scare them (compels her to leave and to never look back).

Woman: leaves.

Marcel: ( destracting the two young girls with his necklace ) hi girls whats your names?

Girl 1: (wimpering) your not gonna hurt us are you ( asks scaredly)

Marcel: no

Girl1: well I'm snow and this is my little sister Mia

Rebekah: (walks back over to the two young girls). hello love whats your names

Mia:(laughs) you talk pretty and I'm mia and thats my big sister snow.

Rebekah: love when was the last time you guys ate anything?

both girls say in unison: idunno

Snow: where mom go?

Rebekah: it doesn't matter why don't you girls come home with us well feed you and give you a home and put new cloths on your back (looks over at marcel). Right marcel.

Marcel: yep. that sound fun girls?

Mia: pweaseeeee snow can we

Snow: food


Snow: LETS GOOOOO( screams exidenly)

(rebekah and marcel each pick up one girl and put them in the back seat where marcel  will sit with them)

(in the car)

Snow: whats your names?

Mia:yeah we told you ours cough it up

Snow: mia don't be mean there giving us free food thats no out of the trash

Rebekah:( feels heart broken of what she has just whitnessed and heard) I'm rebekah mikaelson and this is my boyfriend marcel gerard. whats your twos last names and how old are you

Snow: Ruby. R-U-B-Y. and i'm 5 and she's 3.

Mia: so where we going.

Rebekah: well we are going to the compound its where me and my family live

Mia: ohh cool. whats a compound

Marcel: its a place where you live

Mia: ohh

(they finally get to the compound only to be greeted by hope saying daddy's not happy)

Klaus: WHERE THE BLOODY HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?! ( says softer) who are they

(rebekah and marcel put both girls down)

Mia: (laughing) you talk pretty just like beks. HI! i'm mia.

Snow: Hi! i'm snow. Whats yours?

Rebekah and Marcel DaughtersWhere stories live. Discover now