Preface...I Miss Her

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---//MOLLY'S POV//---

My sister is dead. When Damon had told me what happened I couldn't believe it. I couldn't tell mom that her daughter had just sacrificed herself so she could kill an ancient blood witch that was in my moms generation blood line. So I told her the most sane thing. That Aria ran away.  

"Why would she run away?" My mom was in tears. I didn't want to see her like this. "I don't know mom I jus found a note telling about how she couldn't take living here anymore." My mom started to sob more and all I could do was sit there and hear her cry. The door bell rang. "Don't worry mom I'll go get it."

I went over and opened the door. Behind it was Stefan. I walk out the door with him and sat on my porch. "How's your mom holding up?" He asked as he gazed at me. "She's taking it like any other parent who just lost there child. She's crying now. Then she will be in denial and soon she will accept that Aria won't...come...back." My voice cracked at that part and I couldn't fight the tears anymore. My sister, my Rock, my other half was gone. Stefan held me close as I cried in his arms.

"Hey If you want I can ask Damon to compel your mom so it won't be so hard on her." I looked up at him. "Please, I don't want to see her cry." I wiped my tears and stood up. "I think I'm going to stay at Elena's tonight. I don't think I can sleep here knowing I won't wake up seeing Aria's bed head in the morning." I sadly smile at the thought of my sister waking up complaining to mom that normal people sleep in on the weekends. I go inside when Damon comes over to see my mom. I go and pack up a few things. Before I walk down stairs I go over to Aria's room. I inhale her scent and let the memories flood back.

(Flash back)

"Come on Molls, do you seriously think that I wouldn't tell that you took my shoes." I look down to the floor. "But Aria I only wanted to see them." I could feel the tears coming. But she pulled me into a hug. "Don't cry Molls just make sure you tell me next time ok?" I looked up into my sisters big pretty eyes and wipes away my tears. "Ok. And I'm sorry I won't do it again." She smiled at me. "Alright now lets go get some chili dogs before dad eats them all." Aria had patted her stomach and we rushed down stairs.

(Present day)

"I miss you Aria." I whisper as I close her door. Mom was sleep in her room when I came back down. "Got everything you need?" Stefan asked. I nod and followed both him and Damon out. Then a strange question hit me. " told me that Aria died. But what happened to her body?" He looked over at Stefan before looking at me. "Damon spill it or so help me.."

"Ok little Buffy, Klaus took her body. Before we could even stop him, He was gone." Why would he take her body? Stefan must have read the look on my face. "Molly we don't know why he took her. But we will do everything we can to find her." Damon pipped up. "Yeah I mean he fed her blood before she took her last breath." Stefan jabbed his brother in the rib. "Wait Aria could be alive!?" I felt the hope in my heart.

"We believe she is a vampire now and because of everything that's happened her emotions are on over drive." I tap my foot. "But even if Aria is a vampire she would come home and make sure everything was alright. Right?" Damon sighs. "She did hurt you and I'm pretty sure her guilt is on over drive so she isn't trying to beat down the door to come see you." My sister was alive...ok not alive but she wasn't completely dead. But she was a vampire now. Running around with Klaus.

I look them both in the face. "I want to find her. No matter if she's a vampire or not I want to see Aria." We walk to Damon's car and he looks over at me. "Alright kid we'll look for her but no promises." Stefan pats me on the legs. "We'll start tracking her as soon as we get to Elena's." I was on a mission on my own. And it was to bring my big sister home.

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