Snapped...(Chapter Seventeen)

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----//ARIA'S POV//----

It's been three days since they Desiccated Klaus. I haven't spoken much after that. I feel too numb so I just fed on one of my emotions completely.  

"Do you think she's finally gotten her emotions back?" I hear Damon say to Stefan. I'm sitting on the couch at Elena's.  

"I have one emotion that I feel Damon...and it's pure rage. The only thing that's stopping me from killing you and Stefan is that one of you knows where Klaus's body is. So if I were you I'd steer clear cause I'm tempted on killing you and take my chances on your brother." I glare and then look back into space. Molly comes into the room and frowns at me.  

"Aria...want to go to the grill and get something to eat?" I only glance at her. "No, I'm not hungry." I then get up and walk out of the house. I don't want to see these people. They make me sick.  

I walk and think about the day I first met Klaus. It was at that lame party being held at the Lockwood's place. I remember wearing that daring red dress with the neck line way low just to freak mom out for making me and Molly go.  

I was drinking champagne and when I went for another I bumped into him. Those blue eyes caught me off guard. Then I remember my birthday/our first date. Those kisses and loving moments made it all worth it. I love him. They don't understand it but I love him.  

I walk all the way to the grill and just sit at the table where he had gave me that invitation to his families party. The smirk on his face still played in my mind. 

He is my weakness and I am his. A waitress came over to me and asked me what I would like to eat. I smiled darkly then looked up at her. "Give me a chocolate shake and slice of pizza with just cheese." She smiles and walks away to out in my order. I'm getting Klaus back even if it kills me.

----//MOLLY'S POV//----

Aria hasn't spoken much since what we did to Klaus. You can see in her eyes that she's just an empty shell. But when I asked her if she wanted to go to the grill I saw something flash in them. Anger. She left the house without even saying a word. "Damon.." He gives me a look saying I'm not telling you so don't ask. "But Damon she's heartbroken over this, can she at least see him?"  

"No Molly, Bonnie and I put him in a safe place where she can't even reach him. And besides what was the purpose of doing that spell if we let her see him." I sigh knowing he's right but it still hurt seeing Aria walk around like an angry zombie. I go up to Elena's room and let out a big sigh. "What's wrong Molls?" Elena looks up at me from her homework.

"I feel like a big jerk." I flop on her bed and she closes her book to look at me. "And why do you feel like a big jerk?" I turn over and look at her with tears in my eyes. "Molly what's wrong?" She pulls me into her arms and I feel my shoulders shake. "I-I feel like I just stabbed my sister in the heart..." I sob and feel Elena rocking me.

"You did it for her benefit Molly for all of us. So don't think you did something bad. You saved us all." I wipe my tears away and give her a sad smile. "Well it still feels bad." I get up and look over at the calendar. Whoa how could I get so caught up in all this mess that I almost forgot it was my birthday. I turn around and see Elena smiling and holding a cupcake with a candle in it.

"Happy Birthday Molly. Now make a wish." I smile and close my eyes. I blow out the candle and feel like something big is going to happen. "What did you wish for Molls?" Elena asks as she takes the candle out of the cup cake. She licks off the frosting and hands me the cupcake. I look down at the cupcake and feel myself smile. "I wished for everyone to have happiness."


"Yes mom, I know that you wish you were here but it's okay my friends are here and you can always make it up to me when you get back." My mom had called to tell me to have a wonderful birthday. I knew her job was important so I didn't pout like a little kid. I'm 16 now. But I won't like I kind of did want to pout like a little kid.

"Okay mom I love you too. See you when you get back, love you." When I hang up I hear someone coming through the door. "Happy Birthday!" I look and see Caroline and Bonnie holding balloons and presents. "Thanks you guys." Damon and Stefan soon came through the door to wish me a happy birthday too. "You guys are the best. Really I wouldn't want to spend this with anyone else but all of you."

Aria had came through the door, her eyes looked spooky as we lit the candles on my birthday cake. Everyone began to sing to me. When I looked at all the faces of my loved ones I noticed something. Aria wasn't singing. She wasn't even looking at me. Her eyes were a bright green and she stared off into space.

"Molly blow out the candles before they melt into the cake." Caroline says to me. I snap out of my stare at Aria and blow out the candles. The lights turn on and we start to cut the cake. "Molly can I talk to you for a moment?" Aria says to me. I nod and we head upstairs to Elena's room.

"Okay so what do you want to talk about?" She closes the door and looks at me with a smile on her face. "Molly you have to help me. I need to get Klaus back." I give her a sad look. "But Aria, I don't know where he is."  

"You can always find out for me Molls come on. For me." She kneels down and I see her eyes glow bright. "Aria, what's going on with your eyes?" She frowns a little. "I don't know. They just keep doing that. Now will you help me? Molly please I need Klaus." I step back and shake my head. "I can't Aria. Besides I helped them so you could be safe." Her eyes vamped out a little but went back to normal. "What do you mean you helped them?"

----//ARIA'S POV//----

My sister took a step back from me. "I can't Aria. Besides I helped them so you could be safe." I felt my face change but I let out a calm breath and feel it change back. "What do you mean you helped them?" She looks at me with fear in her eyes. "I...I." 

"Tell me!" She jumps and I vamp speed in front of her. "Just tell me Molly I promise not to get mad." I say in a calm voice. She lets out a shakey breath. "I helped Bonnie with a spell to desiccate Klaus." This...little bitch. I smile at her and step closer to her. "Molly I think you should know something."

I lean in close to her ear. "I'm sick of being nice to a little bitch like you." I step back an watch her bottom lip tremble. "Aria why-" I cut her off. "I'm not done Molly. I was the one who compelled Jeremy to kill those people. You see I promised Damon that I would make all of your lives miserable for bringing here. I made Jeremy go away so Elena is now worried for her little brother. And you feel heart broken. I made Tyler bite me so I could have Klaus come here.

Klaus would kill him and Caroline would feel heartbroken. You would feel that it was your fault because you convinced them to call him here. Bonnie I know she would have felt crappy for when Jeremy dumped her in prom night. Which I compelled him to do and made him ask you out. But since you said no he was suppose to kill you. Too bad he never got to.

Oh I didn't forget about Damon and Stefan. Klaus was going to kill them after he was done with Tyler. Making you see all the people around you feel pain. But do you see Molly what the common factor is here?" I chuckle when I see her tears falling from her eyes.

"You Molly, you're the main person I want to hurt. Because you took me away from the one person that I loved." She falls to her knees and I smile knowing the news had hit her hard. "But....but we did that to keep you safe from him." She whispers. I look down at her and feel nothing for her. I grab her by the throat and pin her to the wall.

"Then who is going to protect you from me Molly." I see her gasp and claw at my hand but I just hold on tighter. "You promised you wouldn't get mad." I grin at her wickedly. "I'm not mad Molly...I'm furious." I go for the side of her neck and I bite into her tasting her blood and hearing her scream for bloody murder.

I feel strong hands grab me and throw me across the room. I land on my back but I'm on my feet in the matter of seconds. I see Caroline crouched near my sister and I charge again. Caroline grabs at my throat and her face vamps out. I feel my strength take over and I grab her and bite into the front of her throat. I snap her neck and feel the blood drip down my chin.

I hear a whimper and see Molly backed up against the wall. "I'm not done with you yet Molls." I walk towards her but then feel something pinch my neck. I feel weak and hear Damon talking to Molly. "Stefan get her out of here!" He snaps. I growl and try to stand but I feel pressure on my neck and black out...


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