
1K 26 42

여러분 안녕 👋,

Guys thank you for all the support you are giving for my works

Seriously I didn't expect the target to complete this soon. I'm impressed 👏

But the thing is from now on I'll update every Sunday updating alternatively

Like as yesterday I update professor ff naa then coming Sunday I'll update bratty wife and kids and next Sunday professor ff like that....

So that I get lingering time to complete it also ill stay sustained in my ff

I hope you understand. But if I get time in between days I'll sure give an update if the part is ready

Please bear with me as I said already I'm very busy in my college works too and from tomorrow my college reopens so I'm entering to my second semester with back to back assignment seminar presentation etc..etc...

And in between my writings too. That is the reason I said you all I'll be making professor ff after completing that one but since you all request me a lot I started writing alternatively which is really very tough 😅

So I took this decision....I hope you'll be okay with my decision

Till then read my previous parts and comment a lot guys also you can give me ideas but

for ideas

comment me personally so it won't be left out as already many people requested some ideas but I seriously forgot all those and I couldn't search those in those comment section.

So if you comment me in message board I'll make a note of it and add in further parts if possible

Until then this harini your dear author saying bye with lots and lots of love and hugs 🫂

Stay safe, stay healthy kiddos!!

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