Jeon jungkook a very very strict professor who doesn't tolerate a single mistake and disobedience also the owner of JJK school and university
His father is a world no1 business man but jungkook didn't have any interest on business so...
??: come with me both of you!!( he said and turned walking towards jungkook room making angel to panick )
Lina: yah!! Why are you crying!!( she asked looking at angel )
Angel: he is taking us to oppa room!!( she said sniffing and lina said )
Lina: so what angel!! We didn't do anything wrong naa!!( she said and Angel looked at her saying)
Angel: yah!! We spoke mocking him!! What If he comes to know we called him love sick boy, shy jungkook. He is gonna punish us like he punished tara!!( she said crying and sweating panicked)
The person was walking ahead so he couldn't see her crying!!
Lina: don't cry angel!! We'll explain him hmm!! I'm here naa!! Even if he knows I'll take the blame and get punished!!( she said assuring her and before angel speak a stern voice make her to freeze)
They realizing they reached his room Angel's tears started to flow freely while lina too gulped scared looking at her palms
Jungkook tilted his head sitting on his desk smiled widely seeing the person and before he talk with him he saw lina sweating and angel crying silently
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Jungkook worried went towards them hugging angel asked
Jk: what happened baby!! Why are you crying huh!! Did you fell somewhere! ( he asked examining her legs hands thighs )
Jungkook then looked at Lina and asked
Jk: what happened to you lina!! ( he asked and they kept quite )
He sighed and looked at the person who was stunned to see angel crying and asked
Jk: jin hyung!! What happened to you!! Why are you three not speaking anything huh!!( he asked worried frustrated and jin scrunched down to her level and asked
Jin: yah!! Why are you crying huh!!( he asked feeling guilty himself and jungkook asked)
Jk: hyung!! First tell me what happened!!( he asked and jin nodded his head and said)