Chapter 4 - Jasey Rae

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Jasey's POV

I woke up from my accidental nap and realised the time was 5:30.  I only have an hour and a half to get ready.  I cursed to myself then jumped in the shower.  I blow-dryed my hair and curled the ends.  Then I put it half up half down and put a bow clip in it.  I did some black winged eyeliner and berry lipstick for my make-up.  I then changed into some black tights (A/N Google it) and a black strappy dress that came to just above my knee.  I then put on some platform boots and I was pretty much ready to go.

"Dad! Jake! I'm leaving now!"
"Okay Jasey, have fun!" Dad yelled.
"And no funny business!" Jake added.


"Aleeeeex whyyyyy?" I groaned. We were finally there and I guess you could say I was slightly tipsy. Not drunk but definitely not sober.
"I told you, I can't dance." He laughed.
"Come on you can't be that bad." I giggled.
"I shouldn't dance with someone as stunning as you anyway. People may get jealous."
"But I'm only going to dance with you aren't I?"
"Ugh fine." He laughed and started dancing with me. He wasn't actually too bad.  He was quite adorable actually. You can't say that. Yes I can.
"I'm going to go to the bathroom a minute stay right here."
"Tmi, Alex, tmi." He just laughed and kissed my cheek. Then he went.

"Someone's a bit too close for comfort with Alex then." I heard a voice say.
"Oh honey he's in the living room again." I sighed.
"Oi! I have feelings too!"
"You know I'm joking Jackypoo!" He false cried and I gave him a hug.
"There there I'm sorry Jack it's okay you're aloud in the living room."
"Yay! Anyhow I'm going to go get some ladies goodbye!"
"TMI!" I shouted to him.

"Hey Jasey. How did Jack get here?" Alex came back. I smiled. I guess I might have to accept that I liked Alex at some point. I mean I was thinking about him constantly.
"Probably climbed over the fence." He put his arm around my waist and laughed a little.  Jack mouthed to me 'I can see a blossoming relationship.' Oh lawd Jack.  Alex and I went upstairs after that.  No, not to do that.  Just because it was quieter and we could actually have a conversation.

"Jasey Rae?" Alex said after an hour of taking.  I liked it when he said my name like that.
"I'm going to blame this on the alcohol." Then he kissed me.  Fully.  On the lips. After ten seconds he pulled away and smiled.
"Is that all I get?" He tilted his head and grinned at me. Then he kissed me again.  This time we were closer and more passionate.  I guess it came as a shock.  I mean sure, Alex and I had done romantic things together, but never like this.  Suddenly my phone started to buzzand maybe if Alex wasn't kissing me with my hands in his hair, or if his tongue wasn't in my mouth or if he wasn't biting my lip or my lipstick wasn't on his face ; or perhaps if he didn't have a smile I could look at all day or eyes I could get lost in, just maybe I would have cared.

And the saddest thing was he probably won't remember in the morning.


I woke up in my house in my clothes. I couldn't remember much else. All I can remember is seeing Alex sleeping on a blanket on the floor. We were in Jamie's room thank God. He must have crashed at my house.  Not that I'm complaining.  I checked my phone to see 6 messages from Jack.

Jack : vas appenin with Alex?
Jack : dude
Jack : I'm just gonna assume you suckin dick
Jack : Now I want to know
Jack : Fine I'll just ask tomorrow

"Ugh, hi." He smiled when I looked over to him. He was so adorable. Shut up Jasey. I should stop listening to my head so much.
"Are we going to discuss last night?" So he does remember.

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