Chapter One

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The first thing I register upon getting off the Hogwarts express is that I can see the thestrals now. From the shocked looks around me, others can too. We may have survived the war, but it took its toll on us just the same. I instinctively look behind me for Harry and Ron. Then I remember. Harry is Head Boy this year, so he's briefing the fifth year Prefects. Ronald, for the second time in his life, has missed the train and owled us about arriving by other means later. I still can't quite believe it. We're all in seventh year, for heaven's sake! Not to mention that we're all a year older since we're repeating the year after our escapades with Horcruxes last term. The one thing I ought to be grateful for is that I will be spared Ron's manners at the feast. I feel guilty for this, as he is my boyfriend, and I am about to launch into another mental debate when someone pushes past me and I realize I'm blocking the train exit.

"Move it, Mudblood!" Pansy Parkinson sneers, before hooking her arm through Draco Malfoy's and pulling him along merrily, laughing.

I sigh heavily. I suppose it was too much to hope that people like them would be changed by the war.

"Hey, Granger!"

I turn, huffing in irritation.

Blaze Zabini looks at me nervously. "Look, sorry about her. Pansy's always been a bitch."

I'm so taken aback by a Slytherin being remotely nice that I don't respond.

"And don't tell Draco I said that."

Before my brain has fully processed what is happening, Zabini dashes off to catch up to Malfoy, leaving no hint of his 'friendly' exchange with me.

He may have had good intentions. But, really, after seven years, I don't trust the lot of them one bit.

With a sigh, I climb into a carriage beside a calmly daydreaming Luna Lovegood. She doesn't speak, which I'm fine with. In the five minutes I've been back, too much has already happened for me to have any hope of fielding the Ravenclaw's perceptive comments with any success.

I make my way to the feast alone, in silence, and sit at the Gryffindor table near Ginny.

Almost immediately, Harry sits down next to me.

"Sorry I had to leave, Hermione."

"It's perfectly fine." I assure him. "You're going to make a great Head Boy!"

He smiles at this and turns to Ginny, but our new Headmistress stands before he can speak.

McGonagall smiles down at us all and begins to speak. "I am delighted to welcome you all to another year at Hogwarts! Welcome especially to our first years, and do remember that the Forbidden Forest is off limits! I also wish to welcome back our returning seventh years. Thank you for your dedication to return this year. This year's Head Boy and Girl are Harry Potter and Hannah Abbott. Don't hesitate to ask them for help, even if they are not in your house!"

Did she look at the Slytherins, or is it my imagination?

"This year's Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher will be Hestia Jones."

A rather short, dark haired witch stands and gives a nervous nod.

She seems familiar, vaguely.

"Was she in the Order?" I mutter to Harry amid the applause.

He nods. "Yeah. I only met her once, when they escorted me away from the Dursleys'."

I'm reassured by this. She's an Order member. Maybe even an Auror. We'll have an actual Defense education this year. Not that Harry or I needs it.

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