Chapter Thirteen

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It's bloody freezing out here. I shiver, despite being wrapped in my warmest coat and my Gryffindor colored scarf and my hat and a pair of giant leather fur-lined gloves I nicked from Harry. I'll return them later. And where was Draco? I swear after every opinion I've reworked of him if he tries to stand me up I'll kill him. Or maybe let Ron kill him. Then I shudder. No. No one deserved to have Ron set on them.

Bella the Benevolent Ex-Death Eater Extraordinaire Ghost is sitting next to me, invisibly, on the bench in the stands. Normally I'd huddle closer for warmth, but she's already cold. Not that she minds, or even feels it. Ravenclaw appears to be winning, not that I mind. For as long as I can remember, I've hated being cold. It's entirely consuming to me; when I'm chilled it's all I can think about until I get warm. I stopped looking for Draco about ten minutes ago, and now I think I might forgive him for not showing up if I could only go inside and curl up in front of the fireplace in the common room and just get warm.

"Bella," I whisper discreetly.

I feel her coldness lean into me, and I can almost imagine her lips pouting near my ear although I can't see her. "Yes, love?"

"I'm going inside. Unless you like Quidditch games, come with me."

"No," she replies. "They're just as boring as when I was alive. But are you sure you won't wait for Draco?"

"I'm freezing my arse off, Bella!" I reply, and stand. Though it looks like I'm alone, I know she's following me back to the castle.

As soon as I get inside, warmth floods my limbs and I stop shaking.

"Whew," I say aloud to Bella, unwinding my scarf. "Not even a die-hard Quidditch fan could have sat outside for all of that."

Then, a loud bang echoed through the hallway and I jump violently. Bella is so shocked she becomes visible, a pearly white and yet somehow also black hovering and startled figure. I freeze. What if...I swear Ron if you've done anything else....


Bella and I look at one another in horror. Draco.

Whipping off my gloves and leaving them lying on the floor, I draw my wand and break into a sprint, Bella on my heels. Sure enough, around the corner, Ron and Draco are locked into a duel. There's already blood on the white shirt of Draco's although I'm not sure it's his. Ron's nose is very out of place, but his eyes are manic and he's still armed and dangerous. My wand joins in, but somehow Ron's become quite good at blocking and dodging. Then Draco is slammed into the wall behind us, and I hear Bella give a yelp and see her run to him---well, float.

I train my wand on Ron. "No. You don't touch him."

"What are you going to do about it, Mione? Let me take care of him, and then you and I can---"

"Silencio! No, Ron, you're not doing anything, you're going to McGonagall."

I'm expecting a magical attack, so having his bare hands close over my throat leaves me surprised and unprepared. My wand falls to the floor with a hollow wooden clink.

My vision is going black at the edges from the chokehold even though I'm trying to fight him. My flailing fists and knees do nothing to stop Ron, though, not anymore. So this is it. The brightest witch of her age, choked to death by her insane ex boyfriend.

"Avada kedavra."

I freeze, and so does Ron, but then he slumps forward, and I realize he's dead. Dead because of Draco. He's standing like he was up on the Astronomy Tower with Dumbledore, only this time he didn't hesitate.

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