Chapter Two: Returning

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Hermione raised her head, she had landed flat on the ground in a alleyway, a wizarding one, just off of Diagon Alley, things didnt look too different really, she was not sticking round, if someone saw her she would have a mob of reporters after her, she apperated to some small muggle flats, she owned the ceiling room which was the very top floor, her best friends parents owned the flats so she and her muggle friend Alex owned the top room free of charge, she wondered if the room had been given to someone else in her absesnce.

She quickly got in the lift and pressed 32. The lift ride had felt like hours when it had been meer minutes.

She found her flat easily and knocked upon the door, it was to her shock that a 38 year old Ginny opened the door and grinned widely.

"Was wondering when you would turn up Mione." She laughed.

"Ginny!" Hermione laughed and pulled her friend into a hug.

"Haha, I bought your flat, the owner's didn't want to sell it but when I'm the one making the offer they wouldn't refuse. Did cost a fair bit like, but heyho. I kept your room the same but I had to change the spare and your Muggle friend, she had moved out a week before I bought the place though so there was not much to change. EMMA, RILEY, DANIEL." Ginny yelled and 3 11 year old children ran in from the second bedroom,

"These are my triplets, thats Emma and Riley, I made,you Rileys Godmother" Ginny pointed at the two Ginger girls with black eyes.

"And Daniel." Ginny pointed at a black haired boy whom looked alot like Sirius.

"Sirius's?" Hermione asked and Ginny nodded and passed Hermione the daily prophet.

"Talk about exact." Ginny laughed as Hermione read the front page.


It then went on to explain alot of rubbish and peoples theories as to where she and Ginny may be and what not.

"So, Any idea what we do next?" Hermione askes and Ginny laughed.

"What?" Hermione asked confused as to why Ginny was sat laughing when she had asked a reasonab- oh.

"Oh Shut it Gin, everyone doesnt know something." Hermione scoweled.

"Yeah- but you! Omg." Ginny giggled and Hermione let out a small smile but shook her head.

"Well- I can fill you in on what you missed?" Ginny asked and Hermione nodded and filled up the kettle and turned it on.

Riley sat down with a large book in her hands whilst Daniel and Emma ran back into another room.

"Well a day after we left everyone realised, they thought we had been kidnapped by Death Eaters, but they later dropped the idea after the caught nearly every death eater and no luck, they did searches and what not but there isnt many people left that think we are alive, id suggest- contacting people we can trust?" Ginny shrugged and pointed to the fireplace in which she had instaled the floo network.

"Well im going to the Malfoys, coz- yeah.... Um- you should get Your family and Harry, I will be a hour or so." Hermione nodded and quickly disappeared after using the floo. Ginny grabbed her phone and dialed a few numbers.








Harry was the only one with a Muggle phone, except George and Fred (I SAVED FRED. HE LIVES! SO UP YOURS IF YOU DONT LIKE IT!) Whom used their phones for buissness reasons.

It was late afternoon his mobile rung from a number he hadnt expected, it had been 1 year since Ginny and Hermiones disapperance and Ginny's phone had been left in her house, so how was her numbet calling him- unless of course it was someone in her family using it- but Harry doubted that.

He answered hesitantly till he heard a voice.

"Hey- Harry. Um- can you come to Greenwood Flats, floor 32, Room 70? And bring my family? Me and maybe Hermione will explain if shr hurries up and gets back in time- um it maybe quiet a shock so- um- prepare yourselves, and um- can you all come Asap?" Ginny asked.

"Ye-eah" Harry stuttered in shock.

"Thanks" Ginny hung up.

"But where ho-" Harry stopped after the line went dead, he quickly apperated to the Burrow.







Fin for now.

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Byeeee *waves*

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