Chapter 1

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(Seven Years Later)

I walked blindly down the hall with as much pride as I could muster. My vision was restricted by a thick, itchy blindfold and I was being led forward by two large men. I could smell the both of them sweating from the heat inside these halls. For a moment, I thought of running, I was sure I could easily slip from them. Even blind, I could probably escape them, but they had woken me up after just a few moments of sleep and I'm not sure how far I would make it with my hands tied behind my back.

I am familiar with this type of vulnerability. I was concentrating on my other senses to keep track of my surroundings. My steps, as well as the steps of the two ogres marching beside me, echoed off of the walls. The same noisy steps that I heard as we began this long walk. It felt like an hour ago that they pulled me from my sleep, quite literally, and dragged me out of my cell.

The tallest of the two men, which I recognized as Bates, held my arms behind my back while the thicker man who I didn't recognize tied the blindfold around my head. I hated the way his clammy hands had lingered on my cheek after he did so.

"I'll be sad to see this one go." Bates had said, gripping my arms tighter.

I bit my tongue, as I always did, and let them half drag me out of the corridor.

We were still walking and now the sound of our footsteps changed as we hit something I guessed was wood. I tried to think of a place I'd been in the House with wood floors, but came up empty. I must be in a restricted area. I could hear a muted conversation directly ahead. A few more steps and a door was opened sending a breeze of cooler air out to me. I was pushed forward, brushing my shoulder on the doorway. Hard enough to feel, but not enough to bruise.

Bates' hands curled around my upper arms and led me forward five more steps, then jerked me to a stop. I inhaled as I heard someone move towards me. There was a thick smell that seemed to hit me, something I didn't recognize.

The blindfold was yanked off of my head. Out of habit I blew a strand of hair out of my face and glared at the person in front of me. I realized the smell had been him. He was about five inches taller than I was and much more fit. Even under his fancy clothes I could see his strength.

With a better look I noticed they weren't as fancy as I originally thought. Dark jeans that might pass for professional pants if you didn't stare at them paired with a black button up. He had a leather jacket folded over his arm and was staring right at me.

"Yes, she is all you said she would be." he said, placing two fingers under my chin turning it to one side. He was inspecting me.

I jerked my head away from his hold. He huffed and pulled my chin back. He had eyes that were dark blue like stone, partially hidden by shaggy jet black hair, and as he turned me to look at him one of them winked at me. "I'll take her." he said, not looking away from me.

"Wonderful." Rex said as sinister as was humanely possible, adjusting his worn pinstripe jacket. Fury coursed through my entire body as I stared at him, smoking on his cigar with a devilish grin.

"Hello." the young man whispered quietly. Then he motioned for Bates and the other goon to follow him, or rather drag me out behind him.

Rex had to follow beside us to unlock a large metal door at the far end of the room. He slapped his hand on my shoulder before Bates had pulled me out of the door.

"We sure will miss you sweetheart." his rotten breath made me want to be sick all over his shining black shoes, but I held it back with gritted teeth.

The moon was directly overhead as I was led out of the building. The wind gushed past me, sending a shiver down my spine. My skin-tight black t-shirt and jeans just didn't agree with this night time weather, but it wasn't like I had much choice. I turned back as the men forced me forward, taking one final look at the building I'd been in for so long.

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