Sneaking Out

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Ok so this is kind of a lead to the Pot chapter. So the next 2 nights me and my sister snuck out with friends. So MUCH FUN! But it is dangerous. See our parents wake up in the niddle of the nigth to go to the bathroom. I was scared that they were going to go back to our rooms and see we were gone. Luckily that didn't happen.

Anyways that night we went out barefoot and the people who were picking us up didn't have very much gas. I had about $20 dollars and said i would get them some. So i had to go back inside and get my wallet. Well since Keeley, Her friend,Rose, and I had no shoes on i decided i would grab a pair for each of us.

I go back outside and it ttok me maybe 5 minutes to get back out and they were flipping they thought i got caught by my dad and that he was going to go out there and find them. I said "Nope i was geting shoes didn't thinnk we should walk into wal mart without shoes haha." So we went on with the night driving around town and having fun.

None of us have a drivers license and so we kind of are a little slow around cops haha. When we got back to our house i think it was 3 in the morning and we are like "Shit dad will be up in 2 hours." We got inside and fell asleep in the living room like oh yea they wont know we weren't up all night.

Now the next night was the BEST. We were going to meet up with the same people and drive around again only this time was different. We STOLE OUR MOM'S CAR! AHHH crazy right yea it was hilarious. My grandma was still awake and so was my uncle i was suprised we didn't get caught.

When we got to the person's house we had to help them off their roof because they couldn't get out through the front door. So we get them down and get in the car. We go to walmart again and then to a park. Now I have no idea how people get this shit but they had cigarettes that we shared and passed around.

We were having so much fun till we had to get them home. We got them back up on their roof at about 3:30 but not before dropping my sister's phone down a bunch of cynder blocks. That was perfect having to move tons of crap to get the cell phone.

After we got the cell phone we were on our way home. I was driving this time cause we had like 7 miles to drive before we got back home and let me tell you i have a lead foot.I think i was going about 20 miles over and i accidently passed 2 stop signs and freaked out trying to get home cause it took forever.

When we got home we noticed the gas tank was only half full and it was 3/4 before we left. The next day was thanksgiving and we always knew our parents always had to go to the store to get stuff for that day. We were scared shitless because we know our dad always looks at his gas tank thinng before getting out of the car so we were not sure if he looked at our mom's car before we got out after going to walmart with our dad.

The next day the left and i got up and they were gone i was flipping and when they got backthey never said anything. So geuss who got away with it haha that is right 2 teenage girls. Wow crazyness but so much fun.

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