a story about an different universe with Bill being in a world full of heroes, hunters, spirits, robots and other supernatural stuff that it feel like it's in a fictional world...
but sadly this version of Bill has a ruff time in his past and presen...
The story of the past of Bill getting nearly killed by Union's so called top students that he was thrown into the seas that leada him to Tessa's home that she saved Bill by giving him some special science project that gave him some mechanical health that his body gotten stronger and a new AI assisted named Ultron that Bill and the AI became as one... and some time flys by and Bill and Tessa become boyfriend and Girlfriend and are attending to a new school that has proper heroes there that is far away from where Union is at... but before that a giant beast was about to destroy the world until Bill shows up with his new look to face it that it funny enough takes place at Union... and that Union wants him to join but easily declined and then leaves them... but sadly they won't accept no for an answer.
The Spiritual Nightmare - Arc
When Bill and Tessa starting their newschool it was absolutely amazing there's real heroes even some supernatural beings that want to save the world against evil and some others. But then when being friends with Shido and his Harme someone was watching them but most importantly Bill... and that one day we beings introduce to Kurumi Tokisaki The Nightmare Spirit that was one of the most dangerous Spirits in the world. And when Kurumi asked Bill to show her around he happily accepts and that leads the two to face some challenges that being the fight against Isaac and his evil plan... but we know what will happen right?
Building an Army / Discovered Family - Arc
When Isaac Defeated with the people work for him some of it's machines have free will but when Bill asked them to be free they decided to join him to hopefully save the other Robots... with some thinking Bill happily accept them to join and that later on Tessa have made some Disassembly Drone models that being three but soon more coming up that being one as V, the second N and lastly the leader J... that she found Bill interesting... and with that done Bill continues his journey with his company until something came down that shows a letter he picks it up and found his name with the last name saying "Robotnik" he was confused why that's his last name so when checking the message his eyes widen that it shows a baby of himself and two adults that being his Parents and when that's done he found the directions to where to find his family answers that took him into a island with a giant crashed space station... and when checking it out he have been reunited with some of his father's machines and his siblings one being Metal Sonic, Orbot, Cubot and lastly his sister Sage... and let's say he was happy to find some of his family members still around and alive...
Tour de Inferno / The Koopa King - Arc
After reunited with his siblings and his father's creations he then was tasked to help out Wisse and Belle to check out something that a criminal that was once a business man that was the boss at the Vision company was around at the Outer Ring crashed site of the blimp but luckily the group that was living at the other ring and are students at this school was a Biker Gang called "The Sons of Calydon" so with that Billy, Wisse and Bill with his siblings went on ahead that will lead a very wild ride that they will encounter Rias and his group knowing that Bill will be around there and of course another group of bikers that be a huge problem with Bill and The Sons of Calydon... but after that Bill and his army went on some peaceful time that Tessa has agreed with Kurumi, Caeser and Burnice that they could shared Bill that they know that Tessa is the leader of this love stuff... so with some nice amazing dates with the girls... Bill was then magical being warp piped that it tool him into another part of the world that he found himself in some wedding that he was faced with his soon to be bestie and friendly rival Bowser also known as... King (DustKing59) . . .
The Papa Egg Returns - Arc
After with meeting with King and his army the two gotten along very well that when finding out about Bill being part Robotnik Bill's robot helper has gotten a signal coming somewhere around London so King, Metal Sonic and Bowser. Jr traveled to London that leaves Bill, Sage, Orbot and Cubot alone... but security the group tool the plane and pretty much have the search for Eggman and also have a nice trip around London... what will happen with Father and Son have been reunited for so long?
Old Friends from Union / New Faces - Arc
When Bill's good friends found out about Bill being Ultron his friends then found out where he's at and started there journey to get to the new age Academy that when they're doing that Bill has met with new faces one being The Council and the president and leader of the clothing specialist warrior Satsuki Kiryuin and with her sister Ryuko and the tomboy's girlfriend Mako... and then a group of Assassins called Night Raid that the leader being akame that Bill has found her mysterious and cool looking. With some time with the new members of the new age Academy Bill's friends arrived that Bill was so happy to see that everything will go great that his old friends are here.
??? - Arc
??? - Arc
??? - Arc
??? - Arc
The first question mark Arc will be something related to the Multiverse madness type Arcthat Bill was warned that an alien Tyrant is invading other universes that he was tasked to bring a team from different universe that Bill will make an unstoppable Multiverse Guardians that are bad guys that his father arch nemesis has faced and fought and some decided to hope in and tried to ruined Bill's team up plan... what will happen? You just have to wait and see...
As for the other ones? I got nothing right now but hopefully I'll get around to it.