Trailer 1 - No strings

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We open up seeing Bill chilling at the top of the building talking with his girlfriend Tessa at his communication call that the two laughed together with joy. Until some police sirens starts going off from the distance we see them chasing some criminals that Bill stands up.

Bill: It's show time~~ call you later Babe, we got some bad guys on the road!

Tessa: Gotcha! See yeah back home mate!

With that Bill turns off the communication with Tessa leaving a smile on his face that he hops up and down until doing a flip off the building that his body transforms into his Ultron Suit!

Bill: It's go time!


We then see Bill flying by se cars getting closer to the criminal's vehicle that Bill used his suits powers that he used some gravity force to pull the ground to rise to knock the vehicle up doing some flips that Bill caught the first Car.

And then we see another shot of him flying towards the next Criminal vehicle that he now used his mouth laser melting the wheels that made the car broke down instantly getting the criminals fly off the car with Bill catching them.

And then we see one last criminals vehicle charging at him that Bill lifted his spare hand that with the impact the vehicle was destroyed only leaving the unconscious criminals trying to ran Bill over...


We then see Bill giving the criminals to the police force that we see Zhu Yuan and Qingyi together.

Bill: Here's the criminals!

Zhu Yuan: W-Wow... that's incredible.

Qingyi: are you one of the students around the Special Academy School?

Bill: Yep! My name is... Ultron The New hero for Justice to defeat The Corruption of Evil! Pleasure to meet you two, But I gotta go Chao!

And that he walks away that made the two look at the new upcoming protector that he then puts some shades that he snaps his fingers before we heard the singer said "boom". That we see him flying back towards the Special Academy.


We see some shots of Bill fighting against some Atlas soldiers leading some of the worker Drones that were being forced and being slaved by Atlas and Scheen family company. That leads them head on the exit with Bill fire some of his energy hand blasts at the camera.

And then we see Bil fighting Rias and her group that he's easily takes care of them and when Issea shows up with his Beserk form he was talking that he's the best that Bill in his Ultron Suit rolled his eyes with a groan of annoyance that he blasted him knocking him instantly out cold.

And then we see Bil fighting Rias and her group that he's easily takes care of them and when Issea shows up with his Beserk form he was talking that he's the best that Bill in his Ultron Suit rolled his eyes with a groan of annoyance that he blast...

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No Strings on This Boy! - Union + Crossover X Male Oc Cyborg Ultron (AKA Me)Where stories live. Discover now