It can only get better

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please bare with me as this is my first story and i am not quite sure about it yet! please no hate xx


"You are now approaching your destination. Turn left in 200 yards." droned the annoying sat nav lady as  i was about to drift off into a deep sleep. My parents started having a mini celebration in the front, giving this long speech about a new start was going to benefit the whole family. What they really meant was we have great new jobs so suck it up and join a new school where you will probably make no new friends. I couldn't bare it any longer... "I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR THIS!!!" I yelled before the car grounded to a halt and i ran out crying. I didn't turn back despite my parents voices bellowing "GET BACK HERE NOW YOUNG LADY!" The street that was dusted in a light snow seemed to carry on for at least a mile until i eventually arrived at a small roundabout. Unsure about where to go i collasped in a heap on the ground and sobbed to my heart's content.

"it's a bit cold to be sitting on the icy pavement in thin clothing without a jacket isn't it?" I was about to reply with something sarcastic until my eyes met his dreamy ocean blue ones. He looked at me with a puzzled face (probably because i was staring into his eyes) and decided to ask a different question. " What's your name?" Without hesitation i mumbled "Evie." This was starting to get awkward. i decided to ask him his name to break the silence. He replied with "Mark." He paused for a second before lifting me to my feet. Not expecting this i almost pushed him over but he held himself upright. i just about reached his shoulders so he took a step back to see me more clearly. "so are you going to tell me why you were sitting there crying or should i just leave?" Mark asked sincerely. " my parents have dragged me to London away from all my friends in Manchester and they expect me to be fine with it." i said in a huff. "oh, i moved to this street when i was 11. Trust me it will get easier." Mark said softly, his blonde hair slightly draped across his right eye. I had cried so much that i was too weak to argue. "Come on, i will walk you home."  He whispered. He started walking down the street so i followed. We remained in silence for the rest of the walk. I stopped outside my drive to see that my parents had already moved all the boxes into the house. "i can't believe it. Looks like you're my new neighbour." he said boldly. "i will be seeing more of you soon." And with that he jogged up to his front door and gave a final wave before closing it behind him. Oh well i guess i might have one friend after all.


sorry my first chapter was so short. plz tell me if it is worth carrying on. promise it will get more interesting, i just needed to introduce first xxxx

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