Chapter 5

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"Come to the front please Ms Heaton." Mrs Davidson pleaded. Oh no i didn't want her to say that, the less attention paid to me the better. I scraped my chair across the floor and started walking over to the front where Mrs Davidson's desk and computer were. "Go on, tell us where you are from and a little bit about yourself." She said in a mocking voice. "Ummm... Hi my name is Evie and i have just moved to London from Manchester." Mrs Davidson demanded "Carry on Evie, we want to get to know you." I was getting fed up of this! "I used to be a Cross- Country runner but since we moved i haven't had the time to find another club. I'm into Art and like to do sketches of people." I said. I hoped this was all Mrs Davidson wanted to hear as i could tell the rest of the class couldn't care less, in fact they were all texting each other with their phones hidden underneath the table. 

Realising that i had finished my little autobiography about myself, Mrs Davidson replied " Well we are glad you have joined our school community and we hope that you settle in well so that you can enjoy your few years left of school. While she was saying this i slowly edged my way closer to the previous space i was sittting in. I murmured a "Thank you."

The bell dinged and everyone poured out of class. I could see no one was going to attempt to say hello or help me get around the school so i set off my myself, lost once again. I started getting into a panic so i ran down the staircase quickly. I wasn't looking where i was going so i ended up hitting somebody's solid chest. I looked up and went to apologise but i was literally stunned by the face that i met. "OH MY GOD SAM! What are you doing here?!" I squealed. Me and Sam had gone out for two years and i thought he was the love of my life but then he moved away and i never saw him again. MAYBE THIS IS MY CHANCE TO BE WITH HIM AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! " Oh Evie i have missed you soooo much! I never thought we would get to see each other again!" Sam said. "I know! i thought you moved to Wales?" I questioned. He took a second to reply " I know but my dad got a job here in London and it was good money do we moved here 2 months ago. Look i've gotta get to period 1 but i will meet you after school outside the main gate, okay?" He asked. "Yeah okay see you then. Oh by the way do you know where T15 is?" He paused for a moment and said "Yeah if you go down the end of this corridor and turn right it's the first classroom to your left." I was so grateful for that! "Thanks." I replied. "You know it's great that you're here Evie, it really is." He said sincerely. "I know, it's great to see you too." I was starting to get emotional.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Finally the first day of school is over! I got homework for every lesson and i was blanked by everyone for the whole day, that was just great! Right now i couldn't care less because i was about to go and meet Sam! I walked through the numerous corridors to arrive at the main gate to the school. I waited for 2 minutes, doing this weird jig on the spot while i waited. I stopped immediately and stood straight when i saw Sam come out of the main building.

"Hey sorry you had to wait, teacher let me out late. So can i walk you back to your house?" Sam beamed. "Yeah sure, lets go!" I answered. I started leading him down the road in the direction of my house and as we were walking i felt his hand slip into mine. The grin on my face would not falter for the whole way home. "What's your new address?" Sam wondered. "I live on Jenning's road." I said. Before i knew it we had arrived outside my front door. "Come right in." i told Sam. "This is a great house!" Sam complimented. "Do you wanna come and see my room?" I said shyly. "Yeah let's go up there then." He replied. We jogged upstairs, still holding hands. I opened my door and we both strode in. "You know i have missed you so much over the past few years." Sam said looking teary. We didn't expect what was coming next.

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