Chapter Two

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Water a much need resource of life. Animals use it to drink, to bath and cook, but they can also use it for fun, like swimming or tortur. Haha. I love the water, everyday when I got home from school my parents would burn my arms if I didn't greet them properly. And if I did not do my homework I was locked in a cage in my room, as gallons of water was poured on me. Even when I screamed at the top of my lungs, begging and pleading them to stop all they do is laugh. Hahahahahahah!! It what makes it better is they take him from me. He's there watching me as my skin turns red and blue. These animals enjoy hurting me, they all enjoy my pain. Finally after it all they strip me of my clothes and throw me back into the cage with the only comfort being him. He's never left me, he'll always be my precious friend. These animals make me sick. Ha....haha.... Today is the day....the day I become free.

It's been a day since I was in my bed. I wonder how my parents would feel if they accidentally fell into my bed? And wouldn't it be funny to watch them bath must like they did with me?

Oh my.... Their screams are delicious. Mmm... I've never felt this way before... It feels so good to be the one in control.

He's so proud of me for taking action, for being the one to control my world... Haha... I'm so happy., I love how he's so proud. I want more, I want more screams, I want more control.... I want to kill them all!

I cut the wires to the telivision they used to nullify my screams. They have been napping under my bed for six hours now. Their voices gone, their throats to horse to go on. Their skin was ice cold as they shivered staying close together. I smiled as I got to my bed, as I looked down upon the stairing into their eyes as life was slowly fading away. But I couldn't just let it end like that, oh no I could not! I'm having so much fun! This power, this urge to do more, to be more, I love it!

It's finally time. I took the wires from the television and put them on the cage causing a electric current to flow through the steel bars. White foam flowed from their mouths. I stared into his eyes smiling and laughing as the life fades away into nothing.

Their dead. Their really dead. Oh god what have I done! The excitement came over me all at once, I couldn't stop myself from dancing. Their dead, their gone, I'm free! Oh GOD yes! Haha, I knew it. I knew thoese animals were lying to me, saying I would get smited or something like that. Hahaha... I can do what ever I want now. Hum, I'm hungry, I wonder what's left over from these animals I'm taking care of.

This place no longer feels like a prison, I feel so much more free. I have never felt this happy before in my life. For once in my life, I can't wait to go to school... I hope the boy will look at me again, I hope I can finally show them how I really am. And if they don't like the new look, I'm sure they don't want to stair into their own deaths. Tehe.

Day 2 1-3-14

"Doctor! Doctor are you in? Is it not time for you to go do your checkup on Mayu?" asked a nurse behind the door. Ritsu looked up and replied "Ms. Sukone could I ask you to go do that for me today, I'm rather busy with a research project."

"Doctor I'm sorry, I really can't do that... To be honest, that girl, every time she looks at me it feels like she looking in me trying to find something inside."

Ritsu looked at her for a moment and sighed, "look if it worries you that much, than just use the camera and observe her, and tell me what you see."

She nodded leaving Ritsu alone. Tei Sukone, the nurse for the west wing of the institute was a new addition, being hired in no more than a week ago. In that one week she became friendly with all the patients. All of them but one. A strange girl only known by the name Mayu. Mayu had seemed to take special attention to Tei. Tei walked past Mayu's room and stopped for a moment gazing at the door and looked through the window to see what Mayu was doing. Peering through the window she watched Mayu as she was playing with her stuffed rabbit, untill she stopped stood up and walked over to the door window staring into Tei's eyes.

"Hello Ms. Sukone, are you enjoyin your little peep show, spying on a innocent young girl?" Tei looked at Mayu for a moment and spoke,

"I don't know what you are talking about, I was just passing by and was merely checking on you."

"Oh sorry I must be mistaken of your attempts to get the doctor to come check on me, and he refused, thus he told you to, but because of our relationship you were to scared, so he suggested you use the camera to watch me. Am I wrong, no?"

Tei backed away from the door unable to comprehend what she just heard from the girl. How could she have known everything just by looking at me for a few moments. This girl... Is so very strange, so different... She's just plan evil. Why is she like this, why is she here, and how is she so smart? I must learn more about her so I can try to help her.

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