It was a week before my wedding and Stan my ex came to my house and he says he missed me and loved me. Wondered how he's been he seems like he's changed but he cheated on me. Why would I go back out with a guy that cheated on me. And anyways I'm engaged to the man I love. I wonder how he found me because I've moved so many times since we dated. It's kind of weird a week before my wedding he shows up. He cheated on me with my best friend. I know I'm not supposed to forget that. So I don't I always wondered where we would be if he didn't cheat on me. He's amazing and kind but that still don't fix what he did to me. Not only did he cheat on me with my best friend but he also tried to have sex with Anna. I'm glad Anna is he still here for me she is my best friend now and nothing will change that not even a guy. Stan was sweet and kind and generous until he did what he did I think he was just using me for my money for my friends and for my mom. He talked me into bailing my mom out the first time she was in jail. And I did it I regret it but that don't change the fact that he changed me. As you see he was cute sexy hot but I think I was just amused by the look so he could get anything he wanted out of me sadly but he never got sex. That's one thing I would not change for thats sick little bastard. He might have change my life but he won't take that one thing that he hasn't taken from me.