Catnap beginning

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(We open a few years ago when Jason was a kid and he goes and knocks on the door to his friend sunny dogday)

Jason: Hey sunny.

Sunn: Oh hey Jason. You sure surprise me.

Jason: Sorry about that do you mind if I come in.

Sunny: Not at all buddy.

Jason: Hey sunny you know you my best friend right.

Sunny: I know.

Jason: Your the only one who understands me.

Sunny: it cuz no one is as special as you. I happy to call you my friend forever.

Jason: you mean it? Forever.

Both: Forever.

(We smile as sunny then takes my hand and pulls me as we then sit and play some video games as we do I smile at her as we then has a flash back to pre school and what happened when Jason first used his quirk as he thought he had his mom quirk so he used it to help his class sleep but what ended up happening was that instead everyone got nightmare terrible awful nightmares and after that everyone stopped talking to him as they all thought he was a monster but their was one shining sun. sunny she was still his friend and didn't care and it didn't take long for his mom to be called down to address this)

Teacher: the point is what happened can't happen again. We had to send all the children to the hospital because of their nightmares.

Midnight: I know and I apologize we just thought his quirk was like my husband being a cat. But to think he got my quirk too and a more powerful one at that.

Teach: Yes well the good news is that the children are find just scared is all. But he will have to be absent for school for a week just till you can get a handle on his quirk.

Midnight: Yes I understand.

Teacher: Thank you.

(After that midnight walked out of the teacher office and into the hallway where Jason is sitting and looking sad as he looks at his mom till she pats him on the head)

Midnight: Let's go home sweetie.

(We both head for her car and she help Jason in)

Jason: Am I in trouble?

Midnight: No sweet. You're just going to. Stay home with mommy. Now what do you think for dinner.

Jason: Um Fish and shrimp.

Midnight: Ok. Now come on my little kitty show me that smile.

(I look at her as I smile with a sharp cat teeth)

Midnight: That my boys smile.

Jason: Mommy do you think I can be a hero like you?

Midnight: You want to be a hero like mommy?

Jason: Yes. All the other kids say it and well I want to help people like you do. And you know how fast I am.

Midnight: Not to mention how agile you are I've seen you at the park with the kids Mr master of tag.

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