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Dressed as Flora , the Fairy of Nature

Birth Name: Meret Manon Bannerman

Position: N/A

Birthday: June 26, 2002

Zodiac Sign: Cancer


Nationality: Swiss

Representative Color: Pastel Yellow

Charm: Stellar Tiara - Her charm symbolizes the light of hope, royalty, beauty, and elegance, reflecting her desire to uplift those around her with wisdom and positivity.

Representative Emoji: 👑

She was born in Zürich, Switzerland.
Her mom is Swiss-Italian and her dad is from Ghana, so she is ethnically Swiss-Italian-Ghanian.
She can speak Swiss-German (first language), German, English, and a little bit of French.
She is a photography model.
Some of her nicknames are "Manz" and "Manzanita".
She is a fan of Billie Eilish.
Her role model is Beyoncé.
She enjoys traveling.
She has been a songwriter since she was 5 years old.
She is allergic to strawberries.
She cannot live without her phone, her journal, or Porto's.
If She could have any superpower, she would pick teleportation to allow her to travel anywhere, but mostly back home to Switzerland.
She believes that in the next five years, KATSEYE will be in a good spot, making a positive impact.

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