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Dressed as Tecna ,the Fairy of Technology

Birth Name: Jeong Yoonchae (정윤채)

Position: Maknae

Birthday: December 6, 2007

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius


Nationality: Korean

Representative Color: Pink

Charm: Soothing Shell - Her charm symbolizes a gentle comfort and her ability to bring tranquility to her members.

Representative Emoji: 🐚

Her nicknames are "Bruni", "Marshmallow", "Jeongyookmyeonchae" ("cube"), and "Yoonchip".
She can speak Korean and English.
She passed auditions for CJ E&M in 2020.
Her role models are of BLACKPINK's Jennie and BTS.
She has mentioned that BTS are the reason she got into K-pop and got inspired to pursue K-pop.
Her favorite color is pink.
She and Sophia are both night owls.
If she could have any superpower, she would pick telekinesis as she could turn off the lights and eat cereal without using her hands.
She cannot live without her family, music, or food.
She believes KATSEYE will grow significantly and achieve many of their goals over the next five years.

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