1900 - 1910

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-The first democratic elections are held in Fédératif Territoire de Nor-luis due constant revolts against the slaverism (although the elections are largely controlled by the colonial government with influence from the French), the entire waits eagerly the results, two recent formed parties are formed in the meantime of this, these parties would be the on the second round of the presidential elections;

-"Parti du Salut National" ("PSN"), this party is a pro-french that wants to remain part of france, this party is funded by the own monarchs of france gets the 46,73% of the votes, their leader is Rene Viviani (15,485,394 votes)

-"Libérateurs", is made from the ashes, the "Libérateurs" is an agrarian party located to the left on the political spectrum, it is characterized by the great freedoms that individuals can have if the party wins, in addition to a good distribution of human rights, black sympathizers vote for this party for slavery to end, their leader is Jean-Luc du Motier, who was born in Algeria, saw all the penances the local people had to deal with with the settlers, once he grew up he decided to move to the Fédératif Territoire de Nor-luis, he would join then to the "Service de Sécurité Mondiale" in the 1890's gaining quickly power behind the shadows of the oligarchs, he would win the elections in the Fédératif Territoire de Nor-luis with the 53,27% of the votes (19,296,002 votes)

-More than two and a half million "Libérateurs" demonstrated in the streets of the main cities, as well as a few moderates of the "PSN", asking for more freedoms of civil rights, agricultural production was stopped (the largest sector of the economy of the territory) in the country there was no regulation of anything, brutal employment and everything was based on almost an agricultural economy, the demonstration of September 8 will be remembered as one of the events that led to independence and the collapse of the Fédératif Territoire de Nor-luis, after these demonstrations that asked for more freedoms, revolutionary movements asking for amnesty of leftists from the "Libérateurs", the result is that they proclaim themselves an autonomous (illegitimate) government that does not depend totally on the French regime, a totally federal government with supreme representation towards what the people said they wanted. would come true, although many moderates and extremists of the "Libérateurs", some supporting a more progressive and accelerationist outlook and another (the majority) more agricultural, which meant that the country almost led to a 3-sided civil war, the "Libérateurs - Radicaux" called for an almost absolute liberalism and libertarianism in economic aspects and who had eyes on leaving the fields, the "Libérateurs - Agricolé" who basically wanted to continue with the model of agrarian and peasant life, the "SSM - Français" who were the ones who still wanted to continue being influenced by france.

A civil war breaks out with 3 sides in the Fédératif Territoire de Nor-luis.

-Colonization of Africa slows down due the Américain situation, African tribal and endemic nations are formed to counteract the European colonizers


-The Boxers rebellion fails on their goal to kick the great superpowers, they vanish as depicted in our timeline, in 1901, following the Boxer Rebellion in China, the island of Sakhalin became a potential point of conflict between the Japanese Empire and the Russian Empire. Both nations were seeking to expand their influence in the region, and the potential justification for a conflict could be as follows:

The Japanese Empire argued that the Boxer Rebellion had threatened the safety of its citizens in the region and that it needed to expand its presence on Sakhalin to ensure stability. They maintained that it was their duty to protect their citizens and economic interests on the island.

On the other hand, the Russian Empire claimed that it had a legitimate interest in Sakhalin due to its geographical proximity and strategic importance in the Far East. Additionally, Russia asserted historical rights to the island and the need to protect its investments and concessions there.

These tensions led to an armed conflict in 1901, where Japan and Russia clashed over control of Sakhalin. This conflict over Sakhalin marked a turning point in the relations between the two empires, with significant implications for regional geopolitics, Russia won against the nipponeses after an stampede in Aniva Bay, where some russian recluits kidnapped Osami Nagano, a marshal admiral that revealed confidential war secrets through the struggles of torture, after the surrendering of Japan, there would be an agreement between the two parts for Hokkaido becoming a buffer state between the two nations.

"Just like in Afghanistan: if the source is not eradicated, they will re-emerge even under the stones like the Taliban after the American withdrawal", messengers carried the message to the westernmost parts of Qing, these citizens did not want foreign powers to determine the future of their nation, unilateral without reinvicative consent, an interim and authoritarian government of Sinkiang would be created, the Qing government was already in trouble more important and could not afford to intervene.


-In Venezuela 1902, Cipriano Castro managed to complete his coup d'état, he made Venezuela a poorly planned federation, it was quickly going to lose control and he managed to make the legitimate government of Ignacio Andrade regain power, what he did was give more power to the people so that they would be on their side, the outcome results in Venezuela being a democratic, mostly conservative.

-The "SSM" sends an agent to inspect the abandoned home of Svante Arrhenius, it turns out that a piece of his documents is found regarding a climate change, although much of it cannot be read very well because everything was very distorted, the only thing that was recognizable was the stamp of Swedish origin, The expert decipherers of the "SSM" would get to work deciphering the possible message contained in the text that had the title "Send urgently to-", and up to that point it could be readen, what they had to do was to look for clues as soon as possible.


-After the Germanic reunification, Germania sees The Dutch Exiled Government In Zuid-Afrika as a rebel state, the poor peace management on the part of Germany did not force the Dutch to surrender, in fact, the Dutch spirit was still more alive than ever, they They saw it as a victory to even be able to remain a free nation even with a type of apartheid still developing, well, Zuid-Afrika was rearming because they saw a threat bordering the same state that took their homeland from their hands, a party called "De Klassieker" gains popularity led by a Belgian citizen of Flemish origin obsessed with art as a young man, a picturesque and ultra-militaristic dictator, with the vestiges of the Dutch royal house itself, is chosen as The Gids of Zuid-Afrika, never had seen in the world a weapons and compulsive obsession like that of

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