Girls Meet Past Lives

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[A/N: Sorry about switching perspectives a bit in this one. Inspired by 'Girl Meets 1961' Flash backs will be in place of a lot of dialogue. Flash Backs will be between arrows]

It's true, Maya's and Riley's ancestors knew each other, and they only knew each other shortly, but not as shortly as time would like it to be. Before May Clutterbucket left for California her and Rosie McGee became more than friends, at the time the way they loved each other wasn't socially acceptable, so their history became one of missed opportunities that their granddaughters would have to pick up on. May Clutterbucket loved Rosie very deeply for the short moment they were together, they did everything a couple would together, and after that moment neither talked about it. Until very recently, on their death beds where they told their granddaughters.

Rosie McGee was the first to come clean to her granddaughter, it was just her and Riley in the room, but she insisted that Riley bring Maya in, the two of them reminded her so much of herself and May that it brought tears to her eyes. Rosie smiled softly at the two of them and told them sit next to her bed, and the followed instructions, Riley was a mess of tears and hair and Maya was there. Holding her hand. As usual. Rosie smiled at the two girls that made her revisit her past, she took Riley's free hand and smiled.
"I want to tell you something very important." She said pausing slightly to think of how to tell Riley about what happened in her past. "Now I'm about to tell you something you'll never read in my journal." She said honestly and squeezed her granddaughter's hand softly. "And it's really important that you listen, because I don't want this to happen to you love." she said smiling and looked at Maya for a second "Or you peaches."

It was Dec 14th 1961, Rosie had stopped into the Cafe to gain inspiration for her poetry until she stumbled into a blonde goddess who watched her across the Cafe. The blonde had 'come find out about me' eyes that drew Rosie in without even questioning why she should or shouldn't talk to a complete stranger. Rosie walked up, her journal clasped between her arms and her chest squeezing tight as her heart raced for no known reason. 'Wow she's like gorgeous.' Rosie thought nervously as she sat down next to the blonde beauty who smiled at her in an unintentionally seductive way. 'Her smile... woah..' she thought, never feeling this way about anyone before.

"So what brings you here honey?" The blonde said smiling at Rosie and ran her fingers over the knuckles of Rosie's hand. The blonde's eyes were an intense blueish green, and they could stare right into Rosie's eyes and could read her every thought. Rosie blushed softly before looking down at their hands then looking up at the blonde.

"I-I-I don't know." Rosie said honestly and stared into the blonde's eyes deeply trying to figure out the mysterious girl next to her. "Ohh I', R-" She started to say but was quickly interrupted by the blonde.

"Names don't matter honey." She said honestly before sliding her hand back to her drink and taking a small sip of her coffee.

"Then what do I call you?" Rosie asked curiously.

"Call me... Peaches." She said with the brightest smile Rosie had ever seen, and there she felt her heart flutter again. Rosie nodded and took in a sharp breath as she tried to put a name to how she felt, but she had never felt this way towards anyone before. Her heart was fluttering and her stomach was twisting and turning and tying itself into knots, very similarly to how Peaches was tying slivers of paper into a paper ball.

"So why don't you go by names?" Rosie asked curiously and folded her hands into her lap, mostly because they were clammy and she wanted so badly to hold the other girl's hand for some reason and this would be the closest she could settle for.

"Because. When all of this is said and done. One of us will try to find the other. And I prefer to leave knowing when I meet someone, that is the best I'll remember them as." She said honestly and looked up at Rosie and smiled happily. "Names ruin everything." She said laughing softly and Rosie's heart melted. Rosie didn't know much about Peaches but she wanted to know everything that she would and could tell her about herself and the world she knew. "Why are you staring at me like that?" She asked curiously, a small blush forming on her cheeks.

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