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Admin-chan I dare you to learn all of Narutos jutsus and inject saiyan blood in hinata... Hinata I dare you to become a super saiyan

Admin: *reads dares* YUSH!! Finally being stuck with Ramen boy's scrolls finally pay off!! I even learn the sexy no jutsu! *sweatdrops* it's hard... now let's see! I need to get saiyan blood... hmm Trunks is half blooded Saiyan... *smirks* Lesly...

Hinata: *comfused* Lesly-chan?

Admin: yep lets go!!

~after they reach to Gohan and Lesly Son's house~

Admin: Oi! Bloops! I brought you your little trouble maker!!

Crystal Jr: Hey mom!

Lesly-Chan: Crystal!! Crystal Jr! Hinata! It's nice to see you! *hugs Crystal Jr*

Admin: *takes needle out while she's distracted* ... *places needle and takes out Saiyan blood* YUSH!! Thanks Bloops! *leaves quickly*

Lesly-Chan: CRYSTAL!! *tries to follow*

Crystal Jr: Oooo!! *places a cookie explosive* Ruko told me to show you this Mom!!

Lesly-Chan: eh? Crystal Jr! Don't-

~video cut off!! XD ((sorry for the bad impersonation Bloops!!))~

Admin: ready Hinata-Sama!

Hinata: *nods*

Admin: ok! *places needle and injects the Saiyan blood*

~after Hinata trained enough to become super Saiyan... ^-^~

Admin: O.O my house...

Hinata: *flies around* this is fun!! O! O! Look what I can do!! *gets ready to do the Kamehameha*

Admin: NO NO NO!! L-Lets just end this chapter!!

Hinata; aww! Fine!! Bye Crystal readers!!

Admin: keep on asking or daring Hinata-Sama!!


Admin: O-O BYE!! *runs away*

Ask or Dare Hinata-chan! (Closed)Where stories live. Discover now