200th chapter!!

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Erikaa: Yay!! Now everyone if you want to know why she's been telling you not to ask or dare Hinata and herself! Anyways!!

Admin: I'll take it from here erikaa! So we're already at 193 chapters! So I will be picking 7 dares or questions that me and my side kick-

Erikaa: SIDE KICK!! IM NOT A FUDGING SIDE KICK!! *throws something breakable* IM DONE WITH THIS SIDE KICK CRAP!! *leaves*

Admin: -.-' and thus ends the famous friendship...

Hinata: *walks in* well you should apologize to her...

Admin: *cringes* no... I'm fine I rather not waste my time right now...

Hinata: *shakes head* so we will be picking 7 dares and questions that we thought were good and something that we can work with!

Admin: bad thing is I might end this book... ^-^ I said might depends if high school won't take up all my time...

Hinata: ok we'll leave a dare or question that you think will be great for the finale of this book!!

Admin: alright bye!! *waves* oh and do leave a dare or question for Hinata-Sama!!!

Ask or Dare Hinata-chan! (Closed)Where stories live. Discover now