14: that messy day!

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intrusive thoughts.

what comes into your mind thinking about it? something very insolence or something very unhinged. though something not bad won't even linger in it, right.

the thought of killing someone while a smile is plastered on your face at the moment is literally what jungkook was going through right now.

what the fuck the professor meant by that? who exactly was taehyung's partner, to be precise. oh damn, it's one of a fire that's been firing inside, like an undercurrent.

as much as it sounds so normal and not caring matter, jungkook felt something sharper piercing his body, a feeling so dread burgeoning his clouded mind. therefore, he was feeling so angry that he couldn't decipher his actions anymore, especially his impulsive intrusive thoughts.

who would tell jungkook that even if it wasn't for that nuisance sehun who ended up being taehyung's partner in this project. he would still have gone mad for not being taehyung's partner, not like he's not really. jungkook is the top among of all of these partner things right? especially for taehyung. then why this feeling fleeting inside his body so intermittently.

perhaps, it's just the overwhelming emotions that made him so dazed or the way taehyung stood up and shook hands with his new partner. smiling and happy.

the urge to beseechly ask that sehun to change partners with jungkook and claim taehyung was obliged and jungkook was all ready for it, but would taehyung want that? specifically jungkook, knowing how poor his academic scores are. come to think of it, why is jungkook not focusing on studies and would always make some excuses whenever taehyung asks him to study together, why can't he just be serious when it's their last year before graduating. was jungkook like this before too? did he lose interest in studies after taehyung came. no right? that can't be.

as taehyung again sat from his place after shaking hands with sehun, he saw jungkook glaring at him, in a very annoying way.

his stare was so intense that taehyung felt flustered. as always, whatever jungkook does flusters taehyung, it's not even surprising now. clearing up his throat, taehyung looked at him, his gaze soft.

"what is it?" he asked, his tone gentle rather than shrill.


jungkook looked back at the front as the remaining partners were introduced. his face had a blank expression throughout and taehyung couldn't recognise the change in his behaviour.

if only he knew.

the class continued and taehyung remained focus ahead, his gaze momentarily gazing at the fuming boy beside him who was too good at hiding his emotions out. the professor had announced everyone's partner by the end of class and everyone was quite chill about it, though some remained stagnant due to the partners they got for the upcoming project, especially a certain boy who didn't care enough who his partner really was. who would he complete his assignments with and how would he perform. the only thing his mind solely focused on was taehyung, that certain blonde boy who happened to take his attention away, for every passing time and even now. and the reason?

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