Meeting my husband

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Rachel P.O.V

After looking at the photos and talking about what happened in each one I remember most including me marrying Finn.

Towards the end Will had to leave for school apparently he had to mark some papers that he left there.

I on the other hand wanted to visit Finn for him to tell me his side of the story but I haven't got an address... That's until I see Will's address book hoping Finns address is in there and I was right after much searching it was under 'Rachel and Finn Hudson'

I write down the address and rush out to my car that's parked in the apartment car park and drive to the address written down.

Once I park outside the house I recognise it as the house I went to after the 'accident' my home.

This is my home.

I slowly get out and walk up the driveway taking a look at the house... It's beautiful a street where the kids could play on the streets with other kids or in the spacious front garden.

It's beautiful.

I walk up to the door and knock on the door the anticipation is scary as I wait for someone to open the door and it opens and there he is dressed in jeans a shirt untucked a face full of stubble looking like he hasn't shaven in ages and his glasses covering his light brown eyes.

Then I hear him whisper.



"Come in"

He moves out the way to let me in as I walk in stood in the hallway having a good look around to my left is a door leading me to the living room and the right is a small dining room where in front of me is stairs leading to upstairs.

It defiantly has a woman's touch.

My touch.

"Do you want a drink?"

"Water please"

"Follow me"

He leads me to the left which is defiantly the living room and we walk round into the kitchen to see the kitchen is massive.

"Do you remember?"

"Some of it"

"You thought this house was perfect"

"It is"

"So what's brought you round?"

"I need your help"


"I want us to look through many photos we or you have and I want to try and remember"

"Are you sure you're ready for this"

"I went to the Glee tree today"

"Who took you?"

"Mr Schue no Will it's really hard to not call him Mr Schue"


"So will you?"

I look at him hopeful as I see him trying to process what I'm asking him before I see him nod

"Okay let's do this I'll get the photo box"

He leaves me in the kitchen as I hear him walk up the stairs probably to our bedroom under the bed where I originally fount them I walk into the living room and I look around see more photos had been put up since I left.

"Here you are"

I turn to see him holding a big box labelled photos.

"There is a lot but we don't have to go through it all today"

I nod as he opens the box to see there is a lot of photos and I pick a frame up to see our wedding with us under the tree that I visited today the tree with our names marked in the tree.

"This is a great photo"

"You always knew where the good photos were to be taken"

He chuckles and I can tell himself had a memory.

"You were a beautiful bride"

Now it was my turn to blush as I accept the compliment. We carry on looking through the photos memories come flooding to me finally as I look at these photos almost like my whole life my whole memory has been through these photos.

"There is a lot of photos"

"Yeah" he chuckles that chuckle is the best sound in the world

We carry on looking through them and laughing at some of the photos with our family.

"Do you want to go and grab some lunch?"

He looks up as I suggest to grab some lunch as if he's surprised that I actually want to eat.

"Uh yeah sure"

We grab our coats and we head to Finns car as we get in I sink into the seats wow these are comfy Finn then starts driving to somewhere by far away from the house.

An Italian restaurant.

I don't think I've had Italian for ages.

But then I remember something.


A tall person starts the car there's a small person in the passenger seat I guess that's me.

"So where to lady?"

"That really nice Italian we always go to"

"Then I shall take you there"

I starts giggling as carries on driving to the Italian restaurant we both love so dearly we've only just moved to the house and on our first night there with no electricity or heating we decided to go out for a meal and we cry across this Italian restaurant it's by far the best.

The tall person drives us to the Italian as he parks and we both get out and he grabs my hand.

That's when I notice we were wearing wedding rings that was me and Finn.

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