Welcome Note

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Hi everyone!
This is a new story I'm trying to get out! I will be continuing the other one quite soon, but so far that one is asking for major editing.

You can enjoy this one meanwhile, and let me know.
P.S. This one is going to be a fast paced, yet an intricately unravelling story.

I love to read your thoughts and comments... So please feel free to interact! 
Polite guesswork and suggestions are always welcome, but remember, I may have different plans for a particular storyline :) This is not my first rodeo, after all!
But that's no reason for us to stop the dialogues between ourselves... I may end up using your ideas elsewhere. With due credit of course. :D

Without taking much of your time, a final reminder to help me out by voting and sharing! It will be much appreciated!
I hope you enjoy this one!

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