Chapter 6

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Macy was sitting on the garden lounger in her patio, her mind on that sensational kiss she had shared with Twain in the office.  How could she have been so stupid?  Why did she do it?  Why did she not resist him? It was her that had actually initiated that kiss.  She was the one, to pull his head towards her mouth.
I am an idiot!

Though Macy could not deny, she had enjoyed that kiss tremendously.  That kiss had been right up there with the two other most significant moments in her life; her night of passion with Twain and giving birth to Parker.  Getting her degree in University should have been up there as well, but it paled in comparison, when compared to Twain and Parker.   

Macy stilled uncomfortably when her mum sat down on the lounger next to her.  Macy drew in her breath very slowly.  She smiled at her mum.

'Macy, you okay?' her mum reached out and touched her wrist.

'Yeah,' Macy forced a bright smile.

Her mother continued to look at her with concern.  Macy groaned silently.

'In recent weeks, you seem ___ unduly preoccupied,' her mum spoke softly.

You mean since Twain came back to South Africa.

'I haven't seen you this way, since you fell pregnant with Parker,' her mum continued.

Macy remained quiet.  She lifted her glass of lemon and lime and sipped from it.  What could Macy say?  A mother knows her child, sometimes better than a child knows itself.  Didn't she know every emotion, every expression that registered on Parker's face?

'I'm okay mum,' Macy offered uncomfortably.

'Are we in financial trouble? I still have all that money your dad bequeathed me__.'

Macy breathed a sigh of relief.  'Mum no!  We do not have financial problems at all.'

Macy was in a comfortable financial position.  Her car was paid off.  She had no debt, other than the bond on their three bed room home.  She and Don were not born into wealth.  Her parents had been working class people.  They had lived in a rented home.  Macy and her Don had not known any luxury.  When her father had passed away, he'd had a life insurance policy.  Macy and Don had insisted their mother keep that money for herself.  They were young and determined to make their way in the world. 

Her mum reached out and hugged her, 'you'll do well in your exams next month,' she patted Macy's back consolingly.  'You always pass with distinctions,' her mum smiled proudly and stood up to leave.

'Thanks mum.'  Macy cringed silently.  Her exams were the last thing on her mind, Macy thought guiltily and she should have been giving attention to her preparation for it.

'Macy,' she turned around and smiled at her daughter.

'Yes, mum? ' Macy answered guardedly.

'I am very, very proud of you,' she smiled, her eyes filled with admiration.

'Thank you mum,' Macy smiled back.

     In the weeks that followed at work, Macy was conflictingly pleased and disappointed that she did not see much of Twain.  She'd hoped to catch a glimpse of him in the lift or car park, but never did.  His vehicle was always, already in the car park when she got to work and when she left in the afternoon, Twain was still busy at work.  When Twain visited the pediatrics ward, it was her superior that Twain engaged with.  He did not seem to do any patient consultations anymore. 

Some mornings her heart would beat excitedly, when she saw from a patient's file, that Twain had admitted a patient in the night.  She hoped that would mean she would see him in the ward, but he seemed to be keeping a low profile.  He attended to patients in the Outpatients Department and conveniently passed the responsibility to Head of Pediatrics.  It was torture knowing Twain was near, yet so far.  He was up there in the executive wing of the hospital.  As chief of staff, administrative duties took up much of his time in the day. 

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