*(11.) Hypocrisy Pt. 2

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III person POV

Beatrice walked to the courtyard and sees Lestat smoking a cigarette. She just figured that he used his speed to get there. She's still had bloody tears running down her face. She rolled her eyes and looked away from him, still a bit hurt and sad. The alcohol from that fat white man's blood had made her vulnerable to a lot of emotions.

Beatrice sees someone roasting in the oven. 'Who did Lestat kill?' She thinks to herself.

Louis walks up to them both and pulls out a cigarette, walking up to Lestat and lighting it up with Lestat's. "She burn quick?" Louis asks, thinking that person in the oven was Antoinette. Lestat shrugs his shoulders.

"Who?" Beatrice asks.

"Antoinette." Louis answers, blowing smoke.

"That can't be...I saw her leave and walk home from the house." Beatrice said, wiping her eyes.

"Beatrice, what happened? Why were you crying?" Louis asked, walking up to Beatrice.

"She can't handle mon honnêteté." Lestat sasses, taking another draw from his cigarette. Beatrice glares at him. He turns to the burning body. "A dentist from Tallahassee. There's a dentistry convention in town." He blows out smoke

"So, you didn't kill Antoinette?" Louis says, turning away from Lestat, not wanting to see his face because he was pissed. He paced around.

"No. She has talents." He says, looking straight at Louis. Beatrice was really confused.

"Did you fuck Antoinette?" Beatrice asks, getting a bit angrier. Lestat turns to her and walks up to her, softly grabbing her face this time.

"Yes, but it meant nothing." Lestat answered. He lifts up Beatrice's face to expose her neck. He cringed at the bruising he gave her when he choked her. "We need to keep an eye on that." Lestat brings her face closer to his and kisses her on the lips, she pushes him away. He just smirks.

Beatrice scoffs and walks up next to Louis, crossing her arms.

He walks back to where he was originally standing. "Aren't I enough?" Louis asked. Lestat looked at Louis, trying not to laugh, but he failed. He exploded with laughter and Beatrice looked at him in disgust.

"Don't laugh." Louis said, sounding and looking hurt from Lestat's response.

"Oh, Louis." Lestat said while giggling, doing a goofy little run up to Louis. He hugs him. Louis still looks hurt. Lestat tries to wipe squirrel off of Louis' face, but Louis backs away. "We'll all be together 10,000 nights, 100,000. What we're doing is hard." He tried to justify him cheating on you both, but it made him sound dumber.

"I can smell her on you." Louis said, glaring at Lestat. Lestat gets quieter.

"From time to time, I like a little variety." He look at Beatrice and back at Louis, then lightly smiles. "There. I said it. We're communicating so much better now, no?" Lestat kisses Louis on the lips.

They pull away from each other. "So we can fuck whoever we want?" Beatrice and Louis say in unison, with a smug look on their faces. A look of slight terror too little for the two to notice washed over Lestat's face. He look at Beatrice, then Louis.

Lestat said "Of course" so many times, they lost count. All while shaking his head no. "Of course, as long as you both come home to me. Of course!" Lestat said, but on the inside he was in a state of panic. He puts his cigarette back in his mouth.

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