Chapter 2: Constance Charmaine

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"I'm Clementine. This is Everest and Maisy,"
Clementine pointed out.
Fleur appeared randomly too.

"Ugh. This is Ev-." Clementine repeated. Then Henry appeared.

"Oh the prophecy is true!" Everest said.

"Okay, I'm Clementine, this is Everest and Maisy." Clementine finally said.

"Maisy? She is a cat?" I asked

"What's the prophecy?" Fleur said.

"Whoa I didn't know that was a word, cool." Henry said.

"We found a way to get English into your little royal brains." Clementine continued.

"Prophecy? What prophecy?" I asked.

"Well the prophecy you are asking about goes like this. Four Royal Blood kids shall discover. They will find the truth and restore it to power..In the end they succeed but with the price of something else." Everest smiled.

"What?!" Fleur said.

"Off topic but Constance you have a power, to glitch and to teleport." Clementine said while I got up.

"What?" I asked.

"You have to have emotions or force it." She replied.

"Try to glitch over there." She pointed to a corner. I tried forcing myself and closing my eyes but nothing happened.

"For beginners it only works in moments of distress, anger, and frustration."
Everest pointed out.

This conversation is long I thought.

"Hey why do you both have those scars?" Henry asked.

"Well, we were looking for you for a long time, and let's say that was hard." Clementine told us.
I could tell she was lying.

"Look around, make yourself at home." Everest said.

"This is an apartment?" I asked.

"Yes." Clementine replied.

"New York City of 2027." Clementine looked out.

"I have to tell you..none of this is real." Clementine said.

"What?" I had a confused face.

"I thought everything was real...everything." Clementine looked out.

"If you die you wake up somewhere and probably die again. So basically we have to stop here." Clementine turned around.

"Actually- I don't to really stop them sorry." She added.

I hadn't even notice everyone left.

" who are you stopping?" I asked. "The divisions. The people who made this simulation, and you guys are going to help us."Clementine explained.

"Then how do we stoop them?" I ask another question.

"Oh! All we have to do is go through the tunnels into Division 1's hide out and get to their leader and kill them! It shuts them down. Of course they're real but some are cloned..I don't know why." Clementine kept talking.

"Constance! There is this room with a slide and toys and-" Alice ran in the room.

"Slow down. I'm so confused. Why are we involved?" I cut Alice off.

"The prophecy matches you!" Clementine walked over.

"Wait! Who is that?" I saw someone outside.

We were in a suburban-ish area and there is a stranger coming at the door.

New York City is over there.

"Oh Ivy! She is Ivy Throne! Born in HallowCity. Right in..uh I think somewhere in Europe. She lives here now. She has a sad childhood so let me tell you cause I'm bored."She sat down.

"Uhm ok." I sat on the floor also.

"She had a dad and mother and a good HallowCity. I mean HallowCity is filled with crimes and is very dark but yeah. Then her dad died from the divisions and the divisions blamed it on the glitches which is what we are.

Oh did I tell you that some families know about us and the divisions. They don't know it's a simulation because when they made us they aka the divisions told some people that glitches can exist.

Wait, is that confusing? Anyways her mother kept Ivy in her small house to keep her safe. But she is just crazy.

Until Ivy found me. She was so confused that glitches are good."
Clementine told me.

"Uhm what? Can you say that again?" I ask.

"..No you should have listened instead." She mumbled.

"Oh..okay." I look around. This place is different. Not fancy like my room.
Just dirty and basic.

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