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Hi guys!, this is chapter 3 and still no reads , but in the future when people comment on my story I will be really appreciative!


"You're hopeless," Perla states matter-of-factly, watching as i float into the kitchen, my mind clearly elsewhere. "You know what your problem is?" she calls out, following me.

"What?" I say brewing some hot chocolate with cinnamon "want some?"I ask

"Yeah , extra cinnamon , and your problem is that you fall in love too easily" Perla continues, leaning against the kitchen counter as i stir the hot chocolate . "One night with a pretty face and some smooth lines, and you're already head over heels." She sighs, shaking her head.

"That's just Valentina Capelli" i smirk as I wink

"Oh, here we go with that Capelli charm," Perla says, trying to hide a small smile.* "You really think this Cedric guy is special, don't you?" Her voice carries a mix of amusement and mild exasperation.* "I hope he knows what he's getting into with you."

"Nothing serious,  just a one-might stand and I'm already mesmerised " I say " and about the cigarette that he gave me, I saved his number in my contacts , guess what I named him on my phone!?"

Perla's eyes widen with curiosity, a hint of mischief dancing in them. "Oh, please enlighten me, your highness," she says, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "What earth-shattering name did you bestow upon this mysterious stranger?" She crosses her arms, leaning in slightly.

As i enthusiastically show her my phone, Perla glances at the name displayed under Cedric's number. "No way," she laughs, shaking her head.

"Yes way!' I say laughing with Perla

"You didn't actually name him... Mr. One Night Stand, did you?" She bursts out laughing, clutching her side. "Valentina, you're something else, you know that?" She wipes tears from her eyes. "At least you're consistent with your commitment issues."


"So... you still haven't deleted that 'Mr. One Night Stand' contact, have you?" Perla asks with an knowing smirk, leaning against the doorway of my room as i flop onto my bed.

no" I groan " I feel like I'm going to puke in any second"

Perla raises an eyebrow, pushing off the doorframe to sit beside me on the bed. "Valentina, you've been moping around for a month now," she points out, her voice laced with concern and irritation. "What's going on?"

"I don't know" i say my hands around my stomach as it has been hurting since last night.

"Hey," she says, her voice more serious now as she notices my discomfort. "When was the last time you had your period?" Her medical training kicking in, she moves closer to examine you better. "And have you been feeling sick at all lately?" Her eyes narrow with concern.

Let me check my period calendar " I say grabbing my phone

"Hurry up," she says, her usual playful demeanor replaced with genuine worry. "And while you're at it, check if you've been experiencing any other strange symptoms - nausea, breast tenderness, extreme

"my last period was 34 days ago" i groan as i rush to the bathroom to puke "Yeah,  nausea and breast tenderness " I say as I rest in the bathroom tiles

Perla follows me to the bathroom, her face suddenly serious. "Valentina..." she starts slowly, choosing her words carefully. "Have you been..." She hesitates, then blurts it out, "Have you been using protection?" Her medical training kicks in fully now.

"I don't remember " I say puking again

Perla's eyes widen, and she takes a deep breath. "Valentina, look at me," she says firmly, crouching down next to you on the bathroom floor. "You're not remembering because you were probably too drunk, weren't you?" She asks pointedly.

I stay silent , not knowing how to answer

"I'm gonna get you a pregnancy test," she says matter-of-factly, standing up. "And you're gonna take it. Now." She turns and heads towards the cabinet where you keep your toiletries. "No more denial, no more Mr. One Night Stand contact name jokes."

I groan as I throw up again.

Perla fetches the pregnancy test, placing it on the counter. "Valentina, listen to me," she says, her voice stern. "You're either pregnant, or you have the flu. But given your symptoms and your lack of memory about using protection..."

"You have a pregnancy test out of nowhere?"

"I always have one or two lying around," she says with a small shrug. "You never know when your reckless friend might need it." She hands you the test with a serious expression. "Now, pee on the stick. And for the love of god, wash your hands after."

"too much details, eh?"

"After all these years of knowing you, Valentina? Trust me, I've seen everything," she says with a mixture of sarcasm and genuine affection. "And I've had to clean up more messes than I care to remember." She eyes you with concern. "Just... take the test, ok?"

"Alright now get out cuz I won't be peeing on a stick infront of you"

Fine, fine," Perla says, holding up her hands in surrender. "But you better come out and tell me the results, no matter what they are." She stands up and heads towards the door. "And Valentina?" She pauses, looking back at you over her shoulder.


"If it's positive... don't you dare ignore it or flush it down the toilet," she warns, her voice serious again. "Deal?" She raises an eyebrow, waiting for your response before leaving the bathroom and closing the door behind her.

"Yeah yeah , it's not like it's going to be positive or anything"

"Don't jinx yourself , val" says Perla

Perla paces outside the bathroom, hearing the sounds of you doing what needs to be done. She knocks softly on the door. "You ok in there?" She can't help but mutter under her breath, "God, please don't let it be positive."


Author : will it be positive ?, we'll see if it is or not in the next chapter!, abd i haven't been posting for 2 days since no one is encouraging me but its alright!

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