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Kaeya Ragd- No, he didn't deserve that name. He was of enemy origin. He wasn't even supposed to be alive-


Kaeya made his way to the plaza, or what he hoped was the plaza, it was his first time going to the place. And it was the first time he found himself to be alone.

"Diluc?" The young boy muttered, calling for his brother, then he called for his adoptive father.

But no one of the two answered his calls.

Kaeya plopped down on the stone ground, his hands going to his teary eyes. The ground was cold, the sun was hidden away by the clouds, but he didn't care.

He didn't want to be alone, not again.

'Did they abandon me?'

The boy thought, tears now freely flowing down his face.

"No way..." Kaeya sobbed in his hand, "I shouldn't have ran after that butterfly...".

He sobbed until a shadow was cast over him. The sun was out once again above the Anemo Archons statue. The statue that he was sobbing under. Fear threaded through his body.

Kaeya stared at the statue for a good minute, his little hands clutching the side of his shirt, he was even biting his lower lip in nervousness. After a minute he then decided to send a not so faithful prayer. He so hoped his prayer got somewhere, he didn't have any dandelions with him. The prayer probably didn't even...

' Please help me... I don't want to be alone... I want Diluc, and Father...'

Kaeya sobbed once more. The Anemo Archon wouldn't waste his time on him, a salvaged thing from a tragic war. It was a curse that he was even alive at that very second.

"Hey Kae- kid... What are you doing here all alone?" A voice called out to him, but Kaeya barely even registered it.

"Diluc..." Kaeya cried, once again plopping onto the stone ground. Hitting his knees on the pavement. It would surely leave a light bruise.

The other person let out a surprised yelp, immediately kneeling down to the boys level.

"Hey, no need to be sad" This time Kaeya noticed the other and stopped sobbing a tad bit.

"That's it, no need to cry... Are you lost?"

Kaeya nodded looking up to meet the persons eyes, they were so bright and pure, like gems glittering in the sun.

"Don't fret! I'll help you. Come on, If we glide I'm sure we'll find your family in no time!" The stranger went to pull at Kaeya's hand but the boy was reluctant.

"No! I can't... The Anemo Archon won't let me fly-" Kaeya sobbed once more.

"Hey, hey! I'll make sure you won't fall! And I'm sure the Anemo Archon isn't heartless to let a child fall"

Kaeya- looked at those bright eyes once more, "R-realy?".

"Really. Now, why don't we head along? I'm sure your family is much worried for you"

Kaeya let the other carry him, and oh. The other had a vision.

"Woah..." Kaeya awed, all troubles lost for later as he looked at the vision, an anemo vision, if the boy wasn't mistaken. He really should pay attention to his classes.

"See something you see?" The person chuckled, placing a hand on Kaeya's back to prevent him from falling. The boy was so intrigued by the vision that he was leaning sideways to get a better look.

"Is it true...?" Kaeya mumbled still looking at the vision.

The other hummed in acknowledgment as he started walking.

"Is it true that vision bearers can talk to their god?" Kaeya's face lit up as he looked at the other straight into the eye.

"You could say that" the other replied.

A small smile appeared on Kaeya's face.

"So was it true? The Anemo Archon doesn't hate me?" Kaeya asked, timidly, waiting for the other to reply.

"It's true, no doubt" the other mumbled, a small gentle smile appearing on his face.

Kaeya's face was almost strained by how wide his smile was, "So I can fly... Can I...?" he mumbled hopefully.

"Yes, yes you can little one"

Kaeya let out a happy sob, he hugged the other so tightly.

"Easy there little one, we might topple over. I'm no taller..." The other laughed, hugging Kanya back.
With a sigh, the other came to a stop on the outstretched palm of the statute.


Kaeya looked alarmed, they were just on the ground a split second ago.


Kaeya looked at the other in awe. Two enormous white wings were coming from his back.

All of a sudden they were flying.

Kaeya let out a squeel of glee, his hair was going everywhere and he just felt so free...

"What's your name?" Kaeya asked, his voice being drowned by the wind.

The other hummed, opting to just float there, in the middle of the sky.

Now Kaeya got a good look at his new friend... could they be friends?

All Kaeya could think was how beautiful his not so friend is.

"Just call me Cecil, little one. See, you can fly. Don't let anyone say you can't, you are one of the children of freedom. Better act like it"


Kaeya turned to look, and suddenly he was on the ground, still in the plaza. The very place he was crying at a while back.

"D-diluc" Kaeya stuttered running to his brother.

"Found you! Come on, Father's waiting" Diluc pulled him back towards the winery, or what Kaeya hoped was the way to the winery.

Kaeya was still confused, he didn't know whether it was all a dream or not.

"What happened to you? Your hairs a mess" Diluc commented.

Now Kaeya knew he didn't dream of the past events. He really did fly, and he really did meet a beautiful not so friend. And his friends name is...is.

He couldn't remember.

Kaeya looked back, looked towards the spot where he was previously at. Then his gaze shifted upward, to the outstretched-

His not so friend was there.

Smiling at Kaeya so sweet and bright.

Cecil, right, that's his not so friends name.

"Cecil..." Kaeya mumbled.

"Huh?" Diluc turned to look at him.

"No, it's nothing" Kaeya turned back to Diluc, missing the way his not so friend vaporized in the wind.


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