[CH.3 SN.1]: Gone wrong!

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After a long, somewhat comically awkward shopping spree, Yami Kuroda and her Pokémon, Indra the shiny Shinx and Kage the shiny Rookidee, made their way to a nearby forest clearing. The sun was starting to dip lower in the sky, casting a warm golden hue over the landscape. Yami had decided that now was as good a time as any to test out all the new items she had just purchased.

"Well, this seems like the perfect spot to test everything, right?" Yami said with a small smile, putting the heavy bag of supplies down on the soft grass. Her Pokémon fluttered and scampered around her, clearly ready for whatever came next.

Indra perched on her shoulder, his golden eyes scanning the area curiously, while Kage hopped onto a nearby branch, looking down at her with a keen eye.

Yami rubbed her hands together nervously. "Alright, first things first... let's try out these Pokéballs. We might need them for future catches!"

She picked up a Pokéball from her bag and tossed it into the air. "Go, Pokéball!"

The ball opened with a flash, but rather than releasing a Pokémon, it shot a burst of smoke into the air. "Oh no—what the heck?!" Yami gasped, waving her hands frantically to clear the smoke, but it only made the situation worse. Indra leapt from her shoulder, clearly startled, while Kage squawked and flapped in the air, dodging the cloud of smoke.

Yami stood there, utterly confused. "That wasn't supposed to happen..."

She picked the Pokéball up again, muttering under her breath. "Alright, okay... let's try again." This time, when she threw the ball, it opened properly, but instead of releasing a Pokémon, it unleashed a stream of confetti that exploded around them.

"WHAT?!" Yami shrieked, trying to dodge the confetti raining down on her. She looked at her Pokémon, who seemed as bewildered as she was. "Okay, okay, maybe I need to read the instructions for these Pokéballs..."

Kage chirped a curious Rook! and fluttered around her head, clearly enjoying the chaos, while Indra let out a soft, almost exasperated Shinx as if saying, We didn't sign up for this.

Yami sighed, deciding to move on. "Fine, let's try something a little safer... like the Potions."

She reached into the bag and pulled out a Super Potion, uncapping it with the utmost care. "Alright, Indra, I'm gonna test this on you—don't worry, it'll be fine."

Indra tilted his head but seemed unbothered. Yami sprayed a small burst of the potion into her hand before gently applying it to his fur.

But as she was about to dab it on his cheek, she sneezed suddenly, causing the mist to whoosh right into her own face.

"Achoo!" she sneezed loudly, and the spray went everywhere. She wiped her face, looking at the potion bottle in confusion.

"Wait—what?" She checked Indra—no effect. Her own skin? Completely healed. "I think I just accidentally healed myself... I'm not even hurt!" She blinked, unsure if she should laugh or be frustrated.

Indra's golden eyes narrowed, his tail flicking with a bit of impatience. He clearly wanted to get on with something that actually made sense.

Yami put the Super Potion back in her bag and rolled her eyes. "Okay, moving on. Let's try something simple. Training supplies."

She grabbed a Training Disc from her bag—a set of training gear designed to improve a Pokémon's stats—and tossed it into the air for Indra to catch. "Here, Indra! Try this!"

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